Past events 2020

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop
Guided work on own data. [mehr]

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students
Being a scientist means one must have many skills and talents – intimidatingly so sometimes. And writing papers is one of the most important ones. It’s the currency into which we turn our research and also the most important means for the community to judge us by. Luckily, like most aspects of science it’s a skill that we can improve and this course will help you with this. [mehr]

Cancelled! Selection Symposium 2020 Cancelled!

Selection Symposium
At our annual selection symposium, all shortlisted applicants for the upcoming doctoral projects are invited to present their most relevant research in 5 min talks (followed by 5 min discussion) and get to know the IMPRS. Besides the public presentations and a 30 min interview, there also is plenty of time for informal exchanges among applicants, students and faculty during social evening events and site visits to all three locations. [mehr]


Next call 15th of May
The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant will be awarded to the best candidate upon application and offers a post doc contract for a max. of 6 months. The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant covers salary only. There will be three calls per year (application deadlines: Jan 15, May 15, Sep 15), applications should be submitted to the IMPRS coordinator earliest 3 months before the planned submission of the doctoral thesis. The submitted applications will be reviewed by an independent judging panel consisting of IMPRS alumni. Each applicant will be provided with an anonymous score and review from each reviewer. The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant will be awarded to the best IMPRS doctoral candidates by the IMPRS board based on the reviews.Each year a maximum of three Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant can be awarded. Any remaining funds will be transferred to the following year.To apply for the Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant, the doctoral candidate has to submit the application form together with a CV, a publication list, a written statement by the doctoral candidate demonstrating the achievements and quality of the doctoral project and the expected outcomes of the wrap-up post-doc, and two recommendation letters, one by the supervisor including a confirmation to host the doctoral candidate in their lab, and one by an external scientist such as a TAC member or a collaborator involved in the doctoral project. [mehr]

Introduction in Scientific Writing

Introduction in Scientific Writing
This two-day workshop enables life scientists to to write clearly and with impact!The participants learn how to construct a “take-home” message that tells the story of their research, choose words that communicate their science clearly, and structure their paper into a flowing narrative. [mehr]

Getting Published & Understanding Peer Review

Getting Published & Understanding Peer Review
Learning to write and respond to reviewers' comments are vital skills for early-career researchers to master if they wish to become established scientists. However, these skills are often neglected, forcing researchers to learn them by trial and error. By learning to address reviewers' comments, young researchers not only increase their chances of getting their work published but also learn to think critically about their own research. Equally, by becoming better reviewers, researchers can raise their profiles with journal editors. Becoming an invited reviewer for a prestigious journal is an opportunity for researchers to enhance their academic reputation and improve their career prospects. [mehr]


Application deadline: 15th of September
The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant will be awarded to the best candidate upon application and offers a post-doc contract for a max. of 6 months. [mehr]

Grand Challenges Symposium

Scaling up Science: designing research that ranges from genes to ecosystems
Our annual Grand Challenges Symposia focus each year on a specific area of interest in the wide range of topics from animal behavior, ecology, and evolution to physiology and neuro­biology, suggested by the doctoral candidates of our IMPRS. The symposia consist of a series of talks by guest speakers, faculty and students of our program and represent the inaugural event for the latest student cohort. [mehr]


Scientists need more
This 4-day online workshops is obligatory for the new doctoral students and offers a first overview on how to get started. AIM - The development of scientific competence of researchers at Max Planck institutes is a major goal. Doctoral candidates improve their communication with their supervisor(s) and colleagues, develop professional skills in team working, networking, planning and project management and know how to use feedback in order to deliver a successful performance. This will enhance their overall effectiveness as they pursue their research studies and maximize success of their future careers. METHOD - Participants will experience interactive lectures, moderated discussions and perform activities to learn from first-hand experience. We will safely move them outside their “comfort zone” to the “learning zone” (Gerald Hüther) to enhance acquisition of novel skills. The experienced challenges are discussed in carefully moderated and focused review sessions, using peer-to-peer feedback as a powerful tool. [mehr]

IMPRS Student Retreat - CANCELLED

IMPRS Student Retreat - CANCELLED
The annual retreat of the IMPRS doctoral students has to be cancelled for 2020 due to the pandemic! [mehr]

Grant Proposal Writing - online workshop-part 1

Grant Proposal Writing - How to design and communicate your project convincingly
Note that the workshop has been divided into four half day sessions. Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programmes with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria. Thus, the detailed features and aspects of a successful proposal in one funding scheme are naturally differing from those of a successful proposal in another funding scheme. However, the process of how to work out these details is a common denominator to the different funding schemes. It requires skills way beyond the ability to work out a research idea in detail. [mehr]


Application deadline: 6th of November
The IMPRS Corona emergency funding aims to support our students in the final stage of their doctorate, whose work suffered from a severe setback due to the Covid-19 crisis. Eligible are doctoral candidates whose contract ends before 31st of August 2021 and who will run out of funding after their third year, if they have no other options to receive funding for extending their contract. These students can apply for a maximum of 1-3 months funding from the IMPRS, which will cover salary (contract based on TVöD 13, 50%) but no travel, fees, equipment etc. [mehr]

Grant Proposal Writing - online workshop-part 2

Grant Proposal Writing - How to design and communicate your project convincingly
Note that the workshop has been divided into four half day sessions. Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programmes with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria. Thus, the detailed features and aspects of a successful proposal in one funding scheme are naturally differing from those of a successful proposal in another funding scheme. However, the process of how to work out these details is a common denominator to the different funding schemes. It requires skills way beyond the ability to work out a research idea in detail. [mehr]

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students - CANCELLED!

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students - CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-pandemic this course has to be cancelled! As the value of this course is being away from the usual "working environment", it is NO reasonable alternative to carry out the workshop online! [mehr]

Conference Presentation and Presentation Skills Training in a Virtual Stage

Online workshop + individual coaching
This online seminar provides participants the opportunity to improve their presentation skills particularly for the virtual audience. Throughout the two-day workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve verbal and nonverbal communication, improve the ability to listen and react generously, and to integrate focusing techniques, which empower the speaker. Attention will also be given to structural and language aspects to improve clarity and flow of the talk. [mehr]


Application deadline: 1st December
The objective of the IMPRS bridge funding is to enable IMPRS doctoral candidates without funding to finish their doctoral project. A doctorate at the IMPRS for Organismal Biology should be aimed for 3 years, maximum 4 years. IMPRS students who will run out of funding after 3 years may apply for a maximum of 6 months funding from the IMPRS. Additionally, the applicant should prove their previous or current efforts to find funding (e.g. through a rejection letter of the funding institution or proof of application currently under review) and clearly demonstrate the feasibility to submit the thesis within the requested period (e.g. one paper published or at least submitted). The application should be submitted to the IMPRS coordinator between 6 and 3 months before the start of the requested funding period. [mehr]

Career Workshop - online workshop-part 1

Career Workshop
Note that the workshop has been divided into four half day sessions. The end of a PhD or a PostDoc comes along with some essential questions: What comes after my PhD or my current PostDoc? Which options do I have? What do I really want to do? What is important to me? Which competencies do I have? How do I put myself into a good light without being too modest? How do I find a position and apply to it? How can I support my own career? How do I get in touch with host institutions or potential employers? How do I best prepare for a job interview? [mehr]

Career Workshop - online workshop-part 2

Career Workshop
Note that the workshop has been divided into four half day sessions. The end of a PhD or a PostDoc comes along with some essential questions: What comes after my PhD or my current PostDoc? Which options do I have? What do I really want to do? What is important to me? Which competencies do I have? How do I put myself into a good light without being too modest? How do I find a position and apply to it? How can I support my own career? How do I get in touch with host institutions or potential employers? How do I best prepare for a job interview? [mehr]
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