Career Workshop - online workshop-part 1

Career Workshop

  • Beginn: 03.12.2020 09:00 c.t.
  • Ende: 04.12.2020 12:00
  • Vortragende(r): Dr. Sabine Preusse
  • RaumZeit e.K. Coaching Beratung Training
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
  • Kontakt:
Career Workshop - online workshop-part 1
Note that the workshop has been divided into four half day sessions. The end of a PhD or a PostDoc comes along with some essential questions: What comes after my PhD or my current PostDoc? Which options do I have? What do I really want to do? What is important to me? Which competencies do I have? How do I put myself into a good light without being too modest? How do I find a position and apply to it? How can I support my own career? How do I get in touch with host institutions or potential employers? How do I best prepare for a job interview?

Career Workshop - online on 03./04./07./08. December 2020 (half day each participation in all four is required)

The objective of this career workshop is that researchers
• explore their individual answers to these questions while obtaining feedback to their thoughts, worries and hopes by the group and the trainer;
• try out different methods, which are helpful at any stage of reorientation in their careers might it
be in academia, industry or as an entrepreneur;
• develop a good grasp of their skills and competencies;
• uncover their personal preferences;
• understand the functions of the different elements of an application and hiring process, and
• obtain feedback on parts of their application for a position in academia or industry.

Training Method
The focus of the workshop lies on the individual work of the participants on their own vision, abilities and competences. The trainer will provide expert input on CVs, abilities, competences, job search, application letters and interviews. Group work will comprise feedback from peers on strengths and weaknesses. The trainer will drive the different thinking processes by dedicated questions.

Results to take home
At the end of the workshop, the participants will have the following results:
• A first understanding of what they want to do in the future;
• A list of events in the pasts highlighting expertise, abilities and competencies;
• A detailed understanding of skills and competencies;
• Building blocks for a job application in academia or industry;
• Feedback on strengths and weaknesses;
• Plan: How do I find the right position for me?
• A set of tools and methods to go through the same process whenever needed.

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