Student Publications
Journal Article (301)
Journal Article
213, pp. 117 - 123 (2024)
Extrapair paternity alongside social reproduction increases male lifetime fitness. Animal Behaviour 2.
Journal Article
35 (1), arad093 (2024)
Multilevel Bayesian analysis of monk parakeet contact calls shows dialects between European cities. Behavioral Ecology 3.
Journal Article
11, 39 (2023)
Effect of harness design for tag attachment on the flight performance of five soaring species. BMC Movement Ecology 4.
Journal Article
42 (3), pp. 343 - 356 (2023)
Flock size and structure influence reproductive success in four species of flamingo in 540 captive populations worldwide. Zoo Biology 5.
Journal Article
32 (13), pp. 3575 - 3585 (2023)
Weak antagonistic fitness effects can maintain an inversion polymorphism. Molecular Ecology 6.
Journal Article
38 (1), pp. 239 - 252 (2023)
The species‑specificity of energy landscapes for soaring birds, and its consequences for transferring suitability models across species. Landscape Ecology 7.
Journal Article
12 (8), e9242 (2022)
The performance of field sampling for parasite detection in a wild passerine. Ecology and Evolution 8.
Journal Article
7 (69), 3740 (2022)
beamshapes: A Python package to generate directivity patterns for various sound source models. The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) 9.
Journal Article
25 (2), pp. 473 - 491 (2022)
Intra- and interspecific variation in self-control capacities of parrots in a delay of gratification task. Animal Cognition 10.
Journal Article
164 (4), pp. 1013 - 1034 (2022)
Nest reliefs in a cryptically incubating shorebird are quick, but vocal. Ibis 11.
Journal Article
377 (1843), 20200308 (2022)
Efficiency fosters cumulative culture across species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 12.
Journal Article
24 (12), pp. 5924 - 5935 (2022)
Context-dependent costs and benefits of endosymbiotic interactions in a ciliate-algae system. Environmental Microbiology 13.
Journal Article
76 (4), pp. 837 - 845 (2022)
Thyroid hormone tinkering elicits integratedphenotypic changes potentially explainingrapid adaptation of color vision in cichlidfish. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 14.
Journal Article
183, pp. 77 - 92 (2022)
Extrapair paternity in a sequentially polyandrous shorebird: Limited evidence for the sperm storage hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 15.
Journal Article
62 (1), pp. 58 - 70 (2022)
Quantifying glucocorticoid plasticity using reaction norm approaches: There still is so much to discover! Integrative and Comparative Biology 16.
Journal Article
31 (8), pp. 2435 - 2452 (2022)
Sperm competition intensity affects sperm precedence patterns in a polyandrous gift-giving spider. Molecular Ecology 17.
Journal Article
119 (4), e2103960119 (2022)
Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline-restricted chromosome in songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18.
Journal Article
10, 27 (2022)
Using skin temperature and activity profiles to assign chronotype in birds. Animal Biotelemetry 19.
Journal Article
5, 1150 (2022)
Increases in multiple resources promote competitive ability of naturalized non-native plants. Communications Biology 20.
Journal Article
96 (3), pp. 903 - 921 (2021)
Intentional communication: Solving methodological issues to assigning first-order intentional signalling. Biological Reviews 21.
Journal Article
288 (1946), 20203107 (2021)
Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 22.
Journal Article
31 (11), pp. 2477 - 2483.e3 (2021)
Population turnover facilitates cultural selection for efficiency in birds. Current Biology 23.
Journal Article
9, 11 (2021)
Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Animal Biotelemetry 24.
Journal Article
16 (4), pp. 784 - 796 (2021)
Highly efficient genome modification of cultured primordial germ cells with lentiviral vectors to generate transgenic songbirds. Stem Cell Reports 25.
Journal Article
11, 10815 (2021)
Health monitoring in birds using bio‑loggers and whole blood transcriptomics. Scientific Reports 26.
Journal Article
15, 680530 (2021)
The gene expression profile of the song control nucleus HVC shows sex specificity, hormone responsiveness, and species specificity among songbirds. Frontiers in Neuroscience 27.
Journal Article
9, 63 (2021)
A partial migrant relies upon a range‑wide cue set but uses population‑specific weighting for migratory timing. BMC Movement Ecology 28.
Journal Article
50, 125610 (2021)
Reciprocal heterospecific pollen interference among alien and native species. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 29.
Journal Article
59 (1), pp. 53 - 54 (2021)
Individuelle Anpassungen an wechselnde Umweltbedingungen bei Kohlmeisen: Wie stark reagieren Schilddrüsenhormone auf Temperaturveränderungen und Arbeitsleistung? Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 30.
Journal Article
12, 691633 (2021)
Inferring whole-organism metabolic rate from red blood cells in birds. Frontiers in Physiology 31.
Journal Article
288 (1961), 20211137 (2021)
Embryo movement is more frequent in avian brood parasites than birds with parental reproductive strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 32.
Journal Article
128, 104913 (2021)
Acute aggressive behavior perturbates the oxidative status of a wild bird independently of testosterone and progesterone. Hormones and Behavior 33.
Journal Article
18, 38 (2021)
Natural variation in yolk fatty acids, but not androgens, predicts offspring fitness in a wild bird. Frontiers in Zoology 34.
Journal Article
118 (28), e2024994118 (2021)
Heterogeneous selection on exploration behavior within and among West European populations of a passerine bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35.
Journal Article
49 (1), pp. 106 - 123 (2021)
Innovative problem solving in macaws. Learning & Behavior 36.
Journal Article
44 (12), pp. 1812 - 1825 (2021)
Characteristics of the naturalized flora of Southern Africa largely reflect the non-random introduction of alien species for cultivation. Ecography 37.
Journal Article
23 (7), pp. 2033 - 2045 (2021)
The alien flora of Sudan and South Sudan: Taxonomic and biogeographical composition. Biological Invasions 38.
Journal Article
9 (1), 38 (2021)
Seasonality impacts collective movements in a wild group-living bird. BMC Movement Ecology 39.
Journal Article
127 (1), pp. 1 - 13 (2021)
The evolution of reversed sex roles and classical polyandry: Insights from coucals and other animals. Ethology 40.
Journal Article
118 (50), e2102157118 (2021)
The geometry of decision-making in individuals and collectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 41.
Journal Article
31 (23), pp. 5370 - 5376.e4 (2021)
Pupillary behavior during wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep in birds is opposite that of mammals. Current Biology 42.
Journal Article
38 (2), pp. 465 - 477 (2021)
Different sources of allelic variation drove repeated color pattern divergence in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 43.
Journal Article
24 (2), pp. 348 - 362 (2021)
Effect of allelopathy on plant performance: A meta‐analysis. Ecology Letters 44.
Journal Article
287 (1921), 20192606 (2020)
Winter associations predict social and extra-pair mating patterns in a wild songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 45.
Journal Article
31 (6), pp. 1303 - 1315 (2020)
Analysis of within-individual variation in extrapair paternity in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) shows low repeatability and little effect of changes in neighborhood. Behavioral Ecology 46.
Journal Article
287 (1932), 20201330 (2020)
Why do human and non-human species conceal mating? The cooperation maintenance hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 47.
Journal Article
33 (11), pp. 1543 - 1557 (2020)
Body size and climate as predictors of plumage colouration and sexual dichromatism in parrots. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 48.
Journal Article
10, 7220 (2020)
Arctic avian predators synchronise their spring migration with the northern progression of snowmelt. Scientific Reports 49.
Journal Article
41 (2), pp. 126 - 135 (2020)
Begging and social tolerance: Food solicitation tactics in young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the wild. Evolution and Human Behavior 50.
Journal Article
89 (4), pp. 1017 - 1031 (2020)
Timing of arrival in the breeding area is repeatable and affects reproductive success in a non‐migratory population of blue tits. Journal of Animal Ecology