Publications of Kamran Safi
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Journal Article (104)
Journal Article
14 (12), e70691 (2024)
Remote sensing data reveal a significant reduction in the area of the nesting habitat of Rafetus euphraticus in the Tigris River, southeastern Turkey. Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
Wild sulphur-crested cockatoos match human activity rhythms to access food in the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems (2024)
Journal Article
move2: R package for processing movement data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
13, RP98818 (2024)
Developmental stage shapes the realized energy landscape for a flight specialist. eLife 5.
Journal Article
Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
21 (2), e3001991 (2023)
The EDGE2 protocol: Advancing the prioritisation of Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered species for practical conservation action. PLoS Biology 7.
Journal Article
11, 39 (2023)
Effect of harness design for tag attachment on the flight performance of five soaring species. BMC Movement Ecology 8.
Journal Article
290 (2005), 20231396 (2023)
Accelerometer-based detection of African swine fever infection in wild boar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 9.
Journal Article
33 (6), pp. 1179 - 1184 (2023)
Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 10.
Journal Article
38 (1), pp. 239 - 252 (2023)
The species‑specificity of energy landscapes for soaring birds, and its consequences for transferring suitability models across species. Landscape Ecology 11.
Journal Article
6 (1), 11 (2023)
Beyond the horizon: immersive developments for animal ecology research. Visual Computing for Industry Biomedicine and Art 12.
Journal Article
9 (12), 220746 (2022)
Experience does not change the importance of wind support for migratory route selection by a soaring bird. Royal Society Open Science 13.
Journal Article
10, 865482 (2022)
Arctic migratory raptor selects nesting area during the previous breeding season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 14.
Journal Article
13 (3), pp. 419 - 431 (2022)
The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15.
Journal Article
10 (1), 30 (2022)
MoveApps: a serverless no-code analysis platform for animal tracking data. BMC Movement Ecology 16.
Journal Article
76 (8), 111 (2022)
Environmental and social correlates, and energetic consequences of fitness maximisation on different migratory behaviours in a long-lived scavenger. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17.
Journal Article
12 (1), 6516 (2022)
Home range size and habitat quality affect breeding success but not parental investment in barn owl males. Scientific Reports 18.
Journal Article
12 (1), 17743 (2022)
Hunting and persecution drive mammal declines in Iran. Scientific Reports 19.
Journal Article
69, 101689 (2022)
Simulating geomagnetic bird navigation using novel high-resolution geomagnetic data. Ecological Informatics 20.
Journal Article
9, 11 (2021)
Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Animal Biotelemetry