Student Publications
Journal Article (27)
Journal Article
14, pp. 335 - 344 (2019)
Echo-imaging exploits an environmental high-pass filter to access spatial information with a non-spatial sensor. iScience 2.
Journal Article
116 (52), pp. 26662 - 26668 (2019)
Modeling active sensing reveals echo detection even in large groups of bats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3.
Journal Article
286 (1900), 20190147 (2019)
Joint attention skills in wild Arabian babblers (Turdoides squamiceps): A consequence of cooperative breeding? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 4.
Journal Article
7, 87 (2019)
Intentional presentation of objects in cooperatively breeding arabian babblers (Turdoides squamiceps). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5.
Journal Article
7, 93 (2019)
Temporary mate removal during incubation leads to variable compensation in a biparental shorebird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6.
Journal Article
32 (8), pp. 856 - 867 (2019)
Sperm morphology and evidence for sperm competition among parrots. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 7.
Journal Article
9 (16), pp. 8945 - 8952 (2019)
"Closer-to-home" strategy benefits juvenile survival in a longdistance migratory bird. Ecology and Evolution 8.
Journal Article
22 (1), e12716 (2019)
The ontogeny of intentional communication in chimpanzees in the wild. Developmental Science 9.
Journal Article
49 (2), pp. 113 - 120 (2019)
Information transfer about food as a reason for sociality in bats. Mammal Review 10.
Journal Article
32 (12), pp. 1432 - 1443 (2019)
Male age and its association with reproductive traits in captive and wild house sparrows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 11.
Journal Article
33 (9), pp. 1674 - 1683 (2019)
Species‐specific strategies increase unpredictability of escape flight in eared moths. Functional Ecology 12.
Journal Article
11 (12), pp. 3452 - 3465 (2019)
Evolutionary dynamics of structural variation at a key locus for color pattern diversification in cichlid fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution 13.
Journal Article
32 (5), pp. 719 - 723 (2019)
Genome of the Malawi golden cichlid fish (Melanochromis auratus) reveals exon loss of oca2 in an amelanistic morph. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 14.
Journal Article
49 (12), pp. 1544 - 1551 (2019)
African neuroscience on the global stage: Nigeria as a model. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 15.
Journal Article
107 (2), pp. 781 - 793 (2019)
Nonlinear effects of phylogenetic distance on early‐stage establishment of experimentally introduced plants in grassland communities. Journal of Ecology 16.
Journal Article
50 (1), e01859 (2019)
Female variation in allocation of steroid hormones, antioxidants and fatty acids: A multilevel analysis in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Avian Biology 17.
Journal Article
30 (4), pp. 1123 - 1135 (2019)
Effects of manipulated levels of predation threat on parental provisioning and nestling begging. Behavioral Ecology 18.
Journal Article
832 (1), pp. 65 - 84 (2019)
A comprehensive overview of the developmental basis and adaptive significance of a textbook polymorphism: Head asymmetry in the cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Hydrobiologia 19.
Journal Article
13, 567 (2019)
Local aspects of avian non-REM and REM sleep. Frontiers in Neuroscience 20.
Journal Article
286 (1900), 20182789 (2019)
Male-only care and cuckoldry in black coucals: Does parenting hamper sex life? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 21.
Journal Article
6 (1), 181440 (2019)
Static landscape features predict uplift locations for soaring birds across Europe. Royal Society Open Science 22.
Journal Article
222 (19), jeb207241 (2019)
Social foraging extends associative odor–food memory expression in an automated learning assay for Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Experimental Biology 23.
Journal Article
13, 155 (2019)
Segregation of unknown odors from mixtures based on stimulus onset asynchrony in honey bees. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 24.
Journal Article
9, 955 (2019)
Risk of biodiversity collapse under climate change in the Afro-Arabian region. Scientific Reports 25.
Journal Article
13, 262 (2019)
Neurophysiology of avian sleep: Comparing natural sleep and isoflurane anesthesia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 26.
Journal Article
29 (7), pp. R225 - R240 (2019)
Linking colony size with quantitative estimates of ecosystem services of African fruit bats. Current Biology 27.
Journal Article
22 (9), pp. 1378 - 1386 (2019)
Common alien plants are more competitive than rare natives but not than common natives. Ecology Letters