Publications of Maria Dolores Martinez-Gonzalez
All genres
Journal Article (18)
Journal Article
31 (23), pp. 5370 - 5376.e4 (2021)
Pupillary behavior during wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep in birds is opposite that of mammals. Current Biology 2.
Journal Article
23 (11), 101696 (2020)
Comparative perspectives that challenge brain warming as the primary function of REM sleep. iScience 3.
Journal Article
42 (2), zsy230 (2019)
Intra-"cortical" activity during avian non-REM and REM sleep: Variant and invariant traits between birds and mammals. Sleep 4.
Journal Article
13, 262 (2019)
Neurophysiology of avian sleep: Comparing natural sleep and isoflurane anesthesia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 5.
Journal Article
1700, pp. 19 - 30 (2018)
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) neurons in the developing chick brain. Brain Research 6.
Journal Article
339, pp. 219 - 234 (2016)
Activation of state-regulating neurochemical systems in newborn and embryonic chicks. Neuroscience 7.
Journal Article
1 (1), pp. 55 - 63 (2015)
Avian versus mammalian sleep: The fruits of comparing apples and oranges. Current Sleep Medicine Reports 8.
Journal Article
37 (4), pp. 753 - 761 (2014)
Ecology and neurophysiology of sleep in two wild sloth species. Sleep 9.
Journal Article
110 (40), E3741 (2013)
Episodic-like memory and divergent brain systems in mammals and birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10.
Journal Article
22 (10), pp. R398 - R400 (2012)
Developmental Neurobiology: Awakening the brain for the first time. Current Biology 11.
Journal Article
278 (1717), pp. 2419 - 2428 (2011)
Local sleep homeostasis in the avian brain: Convergence of sleep function in mammals and birds? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 12.
Journal Article
222 (1), pp. 236 - 245 (2011)
A bird-brain view of episodic memory. Behavioural Brain Research 13.
Journal Article
86 (3), pp. 658 - 691 (2011)
Hippocampal memory consolidation during sleep: A comparison of mammals and birds. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 14.
Journal Article
33 (3), pp. 253 - 270 (2009)
Avian sleep homeostasis: Convergent evolution of complex brains, cognition and sleep functions in mammals and birds. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 15.
Journal Article
189 (2), pp. 298 - 305 (2008)
Predator-induced plasticity in sleep architecture in wild-caught Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Behavioural Brain Research 16.
Journal Article
17 (2), pp. 140 - 153 (2008)
Increased EEG spectral power density during sleep following short-term sleep deprivation in pigeons (Columba livia): Evidence for avian sleep homeostasis. Journal of sleep research 17.
Journal Article
322 (5901), p. 527 - 527 (2008)
A bird's eye view of sleep. Science 18.
Journal Article
11 (5), pp. 405 - 409 (2007)
The non-trivial functions of sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Evolutionary perspectives on the function of REM sleep. In: Rapid eye movement sleep: Regulation and function, pp. 58 - 70 (Eds. Mallick, B. N.; Pandi-Perumal, S. R.; McCarley, R. W.; Morrison, A. R.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2011)
Book Chapter
Evolution des Schlafes. In: Kompendium Schlafmedizin, pp. 69 - 77 (Eds. Schulz, H.; Geisler, P.; Rodenbeck, A.). Ecomed, Landsberg (2011)