Next call 15th of May
- Beginn: 01.04.2020 14:30
- Ende: 15.05.2020 16:00
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt: imprs@uni-konstanz.de
The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant will be awarded to the best candidate upon application and offers a post doc contract for a max. of 6 months. The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant covers salary only. There will be three calls per year (application deadlines: Jan 15, May 15, Sep 15), applications should be submitted to the IMPRS coordinator earliest 3 months before the planned submission of the doctoral thesis. The submitted applications will be reviewed by an independent judging panel consisting of IMPRS alumni. Each applicant will be provided with an anonymous score and review from each reviewer. The Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant will be awarded to the best IMPRS doctoral candidates by the IMPRS board based on the reviews.Each year a maximum of three Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant can be awarded. Any remaining funds will be transferred to the following year.To apply for the Early Bird Post-Doctoral Grant, the doctoral candidate has to submit the application form together with a CV, a publication list, a written statement by the doctoral candidate demonstrating the achievements and quality of the doctoral project and the expected outcomes of the wrap-up post-doc, and two recommendation letters, one by the supervisor including a confirmation to host the doctoral candidate in their lab, and one by an external scientist such as a TAC member or a collaborator involved in the doctoral project.