Cancelled! Selection Symposium 2020 Cancelled!
Selection Symposium
- Beginn: 24.03.2020
- Ende: 27.03.2020
- Ort: Konstanz, Radolfzell + Seewiesen
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt:

At our annual selection symposium, all shortlisted applicants for the upcoming doctoral projects are invited to present their most relevant research in 5 min talks (followed by 5 min discussion) and get to know the IMPRS. Besides the public presentations and a 30 min interview, there also is plenty of time for informal exchanges among applicants, students and faculty during social evening events and site visits to all three locations.
Preliminary agenda
- Tuesday 24: Arrival and welcome dinner at the Youth Hostel Konstanz
- Wednesday 25 - Thursday 26: Presentations and interviews at the University of Konstanz
- Friday 27: guided tours through the MPI of Animal Behaviour, Radolfzell, and the MPI for Ornithology, Seewiesen
- Friday 27 afternoon - Saturday 28 morning: departure