Grant Proposal Writing - online workshop-part 1
Grant Proposal Writing - How to design and communicate your project convincingly
- Beginn: 05.11.2020 09:00 c.t.
- Ende: 06.11.2020 12:00
- Vortragende(r): Dr. Sabine Preusse
- RaumZeit e.K. Coaching Beratung Training
- Ort: online
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt:

Grant Proposal Writing - online workshop on 05./06./12./13. November 2020 (half day each- 9:00-12:00 noon)
The objective of this workshop is, that students obtain an overview on funding opportunities, understand the core aspects of winning grants and know how to adapt the proposal writing process to their funding scheme of choice.
Depending on the duration of the training, exercises are focused on different process steps and required skills.Training
The trainer will provide expert input with respect to the different topics. However, the focus lies on the actual work of the students on their own research idea. The building blocks for these proposals are prepared in the context of a funding scheme of their choice. Thus, several funding schemes will be covered and the differences will then be worked out in the plenum.
In order to obtaining good examples for their future proposal writing, the trainer will provide constructive feedback on the students’ building blocks.
Results to take home
At the end of the workshop, the participants will have the following results:
• An overview on funding possibilities and helpful sources of information;
• A list of contact points, websites and phone numbers, which provide support and detailed answers to questions;
• A set of tools for efficiently developing research ideas into research projects and designing them to a funding program of interest.
• Commented examples on proposal building blocks;
• Concise building blocks for different parts of a proposal as text, schemes, sketches, figures etc;