Past IMPRS events 2016

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop
Guided work on own data. [mehr]

Adobe IllustratorCC 2015

Adobe Illustrator
AdobeIllustrator is the world’s most powerful toolset for vector art and illustrations and for many tasks in the creative industry this software is the preferred tool for logo design, sketching, image-tracing and vector arts etc. This training will give you basic and useful techniques to manage Illustrator: Preferences, Color-Management, file-format for export, working effectively with paths as basic foundation in using AdobeIllustrator successfully to create vector graphics, for image-tracing, in sketching and drawing. [mehr]

Adobe PhotoshopCC 2015

Adobe Photoshop
AdobePhotoshop is the focal point of the AdobeCreativeCloud and for many tasks in the creative industry this software is the preferred tool for developing templates, layouts, image-processing etc. This training will give you basic and useful techniques to manage Photoshop: Preferences, Color-Management, file-format for export, working effectively with layers, cropping and masking as basic foundation in using AdobePhotoshop successfully in retouching, image-processing and composing. [mehr]

Introduction to GAM and GAMM with R

Introduction to GAM and GAMM with R
Commencing with a basic introduction to generalised additive models (GAM) to analyse continuous data, count data and binary/proportional data. In the second part of the course generalised additive mixed effects models (GAMM) are introduced to analyse nested data. During the course several case studies are presented, in which the statistical theory is integrated with applied analyses in a clear and understandable manner. [mehr]

Selection Symposium 2016

Selection Symposium
At our annual selection symposium, all shortlisted applicants for the upcoming PhD projects are invited to present their most relevant research in 10 min talks and get to know the IMPRS. Besides the public presentations and a 30 min interview, there also is plenty of time for informal exchanges among applicants, students and faculty during social evening events and site visits to all three locations. [mehr]

Writing Lab for Research Articles

Writing Lab for Research Articles
This writing event is a unique opportunity for young researchers who have already been taught the principles of scientific writing to put those principles to work in a stimulating and supportive writing atmosphere. During the writing lab you will develop the text of a research article with the aim of having a first draft in hand by the end of the week. You will receive guidance from two writing mentors who are native English speaking biologists, benefiting from their extensive experience in research, writing, journal editing and teaching. In addition, you will work together with a writing partner thus ensuring that you remain motivated and productive throughout the week. [mehr]

Introduction in Scientific Writing

Introduction in Scientific Writing
This two-day workshop enables life scientists to to write clearly and with impact! The participants learn how to construct a “take-home” message that tells the story of their research, choose words that communicate their science clearly, and structure their paper into a flowing narrative. [mehr]
Our annual Grand Challenges Symposia focus each year on a specific area of interest in the wide range of topics from animal behavior, ecology, and evolution to physiology and neuro­biology, suggested by the PhD candidates of our IMPRS. The symposia consist of a series of talks by guest speakers, faculty and students of our program and represent the inaugural event for the latest student cohort. [mehr]

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop

Statistics Module 4: Own Data Workshop
Guided work on own data. [mehr]

Teaching Week

Teaching Week
The teaching week addresses the new IMPRS students to give an insight into the different labs and research groups, their research focus and methods, and to give the new students the opportunity to get to know each other, exchange experiences and to discuss possible collaboration with other labs. The teaching week is obligatory for all incoming graduate students, everybody else interested is warmly welcome to join! [mehr]
Official welcoming of thenew PhD students in the context of the Academic Ceremony. Following the ceremony, Olga Mayans will give her inaugural lecture on “Proteins in action: the molecular consequences of force in an active muscle“. Theevent takes place in room R 712 at U KN. [mehr]

Frontiers in Bioimaging – Super resolution and lightsheet microscopy

Frontiers in Bioimaging
This course will cover super resolution microscopy techniques (structured illumination, localization microscopy) and light sheet microscopy by lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on. Introductory lectures for the different topics are followed by demonstration and hands-on sessions at the instruments. Also sample preparation is introduced. [mehr]


Scientists need more
This 3-day workshops is obligatory for the new phD students and offers a first overview on how to get started. AIM - The development of scientific competence of researchers at Max Planck institutes is a major goal. Ph.D. students improve their communication with the supervisor and colleagues, develop professional skills in team working, networking, planning and project management and know how to use feedback in order to deliver a successful performance. This will enhance their overall effectiveness as they pursue their research studies and maximize success of their future careers. METHOD - Participants will experience interactive lectures, moderated discussions and perform activities to learn from first-hand experience. We will safely move them outside their “comfort zone” to the “learning zone” (Gerald Hüther) to enhance acquisition of novel skills. The experienced challenges are discussed in carefully moderated and focused review sessions, using peer-to-peer feedback as a powerful tool. [mehr]

Writing of Research Statements

Writing of Research Statements
Research Statements are an important part of an application for a position in academia. They pin down the researcher’s background and current results and place future plans into the context of the organisation to which the application is addressed. The challenge in writing a research statement is to be clear and concise and to show the contribution to the mission of the target organisation. This workshop addresses the essential parts of a research statement: abstract, background, current research, research agenda (3 to 5 years) and relevance. Topics and exercises vary according to the participants’ preferences. [mehr]

Grant Proposal Writing

Grant Proposals Writing
Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programmes with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria. Thus, the detailed features and aspects of a successful proposal in one funding scheme are naturally differing from those of a successful proposal in another funding scheme. However, the process of how to work out these details is a common denominator to the different funding schemes. It requires skills way beyond the ability to work out a research idea in detail. The workshop covers the complete proposal process. Topics and exercises are detailed and chosen with respect to the duration of the workshop and the participants’ preferences. [mehr]

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language
This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can work with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. The course's intention is to give a solid foundationin the programming language R (and Latex, but very basic). It is not astatistics course, but does not exclude stats. The idea is to be able to masterR as a programming language to do a wealth of different things that R allows todo, which includes, but also goes way beyond, stats. [mehr]

Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
  • Beginn: 14.11.2016
  • Ende: 16.11.2016
  • Vortragende(r): Julie Stearns
  • Impulsplus; Julie Stearns is a lecturer at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Folkwang University of the Arts and has been working for the Impulsplus team of qualified and dynamic trainers since 2011. Julie also works as a professional actress and director and produces theater and performance projects with international cooperation partners. She has several years of experience in teaching presentation skills, as well as voice and body training, self-marketing skills and performance skills. Julie offers workshops in the following subjects: “Scientific and Conference Presentation”, “Self-Marketing Skills”, “Storytelling Techniques for Scientists”, “Voice and Body Training”, “Fielding Questions: Preparing Your Audience for Discussion”, “Quick on Your Feet: Spontaneous Speaking Practice” and “One to One Training: Tailored Training for Individuals”
  • Ort: Möggingen/Radolfzell
  • Raum: MaxLounge
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
  • Kontakt:

Follow-up - Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Follow-up - Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
  • Datum: 17.11.2016
  • Vortragende(r): Julie Stearns
  • Impulsplus; Julie Stearns is a lecturer at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Folkwang University of the Arts and has been working for the Impulsplus team of qualified and dynamic trainers since 2011. Julie also works as a professional actress and director and produces theater and performance projects with international cooperation partners. She has several years of experience in teaching presentation skills, as well as voice and body training, self-marketing skills and performance skills. Julie offers workshops in the following subjects: “Scientific and Conference Presentation”, “Self-Marketing Skills”, “Storytelling Techniques for Scientists”, “Voice and Body Training”, “Fielding Questions: Preparing Your Audience for Discussion”, “Quick on Your Feet: Spontaneous Speaking Practice” and “One to One Training: Tailored Training for Individuals”.
  • Ort: Möggingen/Radolfzell
  • Raum: MaxLounge
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
  • Kontakt:
TARGET GROUP: This workshop targets PhD students and Post-doctoral fellows who have taken Conference Presentation part I, and who wish to further improve their presentation skills and focus in particular on the context of conferences. OBJECTIVES: This is an activity-based training is led by a theatre professional whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. This course aims to focus on further development and special focus of key communication skills in the context of conferences. DESCRIPTION: This one-day course provides a limited number of participants who have already taken the workshop “Conference Presentation”, the opportunity to deliver a typical conference presentation and focus on the key aspects of conference presentation challenges. Attention will also be given to structural elements and language dynamics for improving overall speech and communication. The session will also include dealing with question and answer sessions as well as other peripheral details involved in the overall conference experience. CONTENTS IN BRIEF: • Engaging the audience in one’s talk • Affirming the strengths and individual style of the speaker • Improving body language • Effectively promoting oneself • Develop strong tactics for effective communication • Dealing with challenging Q&A sessions. METHODS: • Voice and body techniques • Partner work/role-play • Language practice and analysis • Trainer PPT input • Improvisation, videotaping and feedback • Tailored training for individual participants needs. [mehr]

IMPRS Student Retreat

IMPRS Student Retreat
Annual retreat of the IMPRS PhD students with workshops offered by the PhD candidates for the PhD candidates! Attendance at this retreat is obligatory for all students. [mehr]

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students

Scientific Writing for Advanced Students
Being a scientist means one must have many skills and talents – intimidatingly so sometimes. And writing papers is one of the most important ones. It’s the currency into which we turn our research and also the most important means for the community to judge us by. Luckily, like most aspects of science it’s a skill that we can improve and this course will help you with this. [mehr]

Statistics Module 2: Linear Models and Linear Mixed Models with R

Statistics Module 2: Linear Models and Linear Mixed Models with R
Linear models (LM) and linear mixed models (LME): Linear Regression, multiple Regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, model selection (group work), linear mixed models, work on own data [mehr]
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