R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language
R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language
- Beginn: 14.11.2016 08:15
- Ende: 18.11.2016 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Dr. Kamran Safi
- Ort: Möggingen/Radolfzell
- Gastgeber: Dr. Kamran Safi
- Kontakt: kamran.safi@uni-konstanz.de

This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can work with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. The course's intention is to give a solid foundationin the programming language R (and Latex, but very basic). It is not astatistics course, but does not exclude stats. The idea is to be able to masterR as a programming language to do a wealth of different things that R allows todo, which includes, but also goes way beyond, stats.
The course is registered with the Vorlesungsverzeichnis of the Uni KN and rewarded with 2 ECTS points for those who want a currency and are willing to fulfill the requirements of obtaining them by investing a week of Nacharbeit.
Information and registration: kamran.safi@uni-konstanz.de.