Adobe PhotoshopCC 2015
Adobe Photoshop
- Beginn: 04.02.2016 09:00
- Ende: 05.02.2016 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Vera U. Wirth, brainworks Training GmbH
- Ort: Seewiesen
- Raum: Seminar Room House 4
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt:

AdobePhotoshop is the focal point of the AdobeCreativeCloud and for many tasks in the creative industry this software is the preferred tool for developing templates, layouts, image-processing etc.
This training will give you basic and useful techniques to manage Photoshop: Preferences, Color-Management, file-format for export, working effectively with layers, cropping and masking as basic foundation in using AdobePhotoshop successfully in retouching, image-processing and composing.
Target group: Practitioners in the advertising and creative industries. Ad agencies, Marketing departments, Graphic designers and digital artists.
Requirements: Good PC or Mac skills. This explicitly includes file-management: Creating folders and directories, and opening, saving or moving files.
1 Colormanagement
- Difference between RGB- and CMYK-color space
- Correct settings for pdf-print
- Composite workflow
- Different export formats for different devices
- The different tools for selections –their correct options and application
- Masking – and improve edges
- Layer-masks
- Understanding the Channels-Panel
- Working with Alpha-channels
- Knowing the layer-panel
- Naming, grouping, copying and exporting layers
- Layer-styles and effects
- Working with Smart-Objects
- Understanding adjustment-layers for non-destructive editing
- Blend options
- General image corrections
- Histogram & Info-panel
- Correcting exposure: black point, white point
- Colorcast, match colours
- Tools and their options for retouching, brushes and their possibilities
- Replacing image-parts
- Replace Colors
- Convert to Black & White
- Colours in Photoshop: Mixing, saving, importing/exporting
- Vector-objects in Photoshop: fill and stroke
- Transforming, arranging and aligning shapes
- Paths in Photoshop: Mastering the Pen-Tool
- Working with Text
- Text-transform and text-export