Adobe IllustratorCC 2015
Adobe Illustrator
- Beginn: 02.02.2016 09:00
- Ende: 03.02.2016 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Vera U. Wirth, brainworks Training GmbH
- Ort: Seewiesen
- Raum: Seminar Room House 4
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt:

AdobeIllustrator is the world’s most powerful toolset for vector art and illustrations and for many tasks in the creative industry this software is the preferred tool for logo design, sketching, image-tracing and vector arts etc.
This training will give you basic and useful techniques to manage Illustrator: Preferences, Color-Management, file-format for export, working effectively with paths as basic foundation in using AdobeIllustrator successfully to create vector graphics, for image-tracing, in sketching and drawing.
Target group: Practitioners in the advertising and creative industries. Ad agencies, Marketing departments, Graphic designers and digital artists.
Requirements: Good PC or Mac skills. This explicitly includes file-management: Creating folders and directories, and opening, saving or moving files.
1 Colormanagement
- Difference between RGB- and CMYK-color space
- Correct settings for pdf-print
- Composite workflow
- Different export formats for different devices
- Colours: The various places and possibilities for mixing, saving, importing/exporting colours in Illustrator
- Options for fill and stroke
- Gradients and Optimizing gradients
- Vector-objects: Drawing rectangles, ellipses, lines, stars, polygons and arcs
- Freehand-Path: Mastering the Pen-Tool
- Understanding and editing anchorpoints: convert, delete, add and join
- Understanding Path and Compound Path
- Working with the Pathfinder-Panel
- Effects and Graphic-Styles
- Arranging Layers
- Moving, naming, grouping Layers
- Copying and moving Layer-Contents
- Free-Transforming: rotate, scale, skew, flip, move and warp
- The Transform-Panels for Rotation, Flipping, Scaling
- Effects for Repeat Transformation
- Arranging and aligning shapes
- The power of the Appearance-Panel
- Text-transform and text-export
- Text on Path
- 3D Text-effects
- Mastering the Tracing-Panel
- Working with symbols