Publications of Camila Patricia Villavicencio
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
18, 8 (2021)
Neuroendocrine patterns underlying seasonal song and year-round territoriality in male black redstarts. Frontiers in Zoology 2.
Journal Article
149, pp. 310 - 316 (2015)
Does a short-term increase in testosterone affect the intensity or persistence of territorial aggression? - An approach using an individual's hormonal reactive scope to study hormonal effects on behavior. Physiology & Behavior 3.
Journal Article
205, pp. 159 - 165 (2014)
The number of life-history stages does not influence the androgen responsiveness to male–male interactions: Sedentary and migratory black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) do not elevate testosterone in response to simulated territorial intrusions. General and Comparative Endocrinology 4.
Journal Article
11, 11 (2014)
Parental care, loss of paternity and circulating levels of testosterone and corticosterone in a socially monogamous song bird. Frontiers in Zoology 5.
Journal Article
184, pp. 93 - 102 (2013)
Associated and disassociated patterns in hormones, song, behavior and brain receptor expression between life-cycle stages in male black redstarts, Phoenicurus ochruros. General and Comparative Endocrinology 6.
Journal Article
64 (3), pp. 461 - 467 (2013)
Experimental induction of social instability during early breeding does not alter testosterone levels in male black redstarts, a socially monogamous songbird. Hormones and Behavior 7.
Journal Article
66 (2), pp. 261 - 274 (2012)
Ecological drivers of group living in two populations of the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 8.
Journal Article
124 (3), pp. 531 - 537 (2012)
Breeding biology of the southern house wren on Chiloe island, southern Chile. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 9.
Journal Article
115 (5), pp. 465 - 474 (2009)
Inter-population variation in hoarding behaviour in degus, Octodon degus. Ethology 10.
Journal Article
78 (2), pp. 377 - 384 (2009)
Familiarity and phenotypic similarity influence kin discrimination in the social rodent Octodon degus. Animal Behaviour 11.
Journal Article
78, pp. 169 - 170 (2005)
Undergraduate teaching of evolution in Chile: More than natural selection. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural