Publications of Michiel Vellema
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
8, e43194 (2019)
Accelerated redevelopment of vocal skills is preceded by lasting reorganization of the song motor circuitry. eLife 2.
Journal Article
3, 117 (2015)
Mismatch in sexual dimorphism of developing song and song control system in blue-capped cordon-bleus, a songbird species with singing females and males. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
84 (1), pp. 5 - 7 (2014)
What makes a marker a good marker? Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 4.
Journal Article
522 (6), pp. 1299 - 1315 (2014)
Evaluating the predictive value of doublecortin as a marker for adult neurogenesis in canaries (Serinus canaria). The Journal of Comparative Neurology 5.
Journal Article
184, pp. 93 - 102 (2013)
Associated and disassociated patterns in hormones, song, behavior and brain receptor expression between life-cycle stages in male black redstarts, Phoenicurus ochruros. General and Comparative Endocrinology 6.
Journal Article
6 (5), e20131 (2011)
Own song selectivity in the songbird auditory pathway: Suppression by norepinephrine. PLoS One 7.
Journal Article
57 (2), pp. 352 - 361 (2011)
A customizable 3-dimensional digital atlas of the canary brain in multiple modalities. NeuroImage 8.
Journal Article
518 (9), pp. 1442 - 1459 (2010)
Area-specific migration and recruitment of new neurons in the adult songbird brain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 9.
Journal Article
49 (3), pp. 2094 - 2103 (2010)
MRI visualization of endogenous neural progenitor cell migration along the RMS in the adult mouse brain: Validation of various MPIO labeling strategies. NeuroImage 10.
Journal Article
41 (1), pp. 1 - 6 (2008)
A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the zebra finch brain in stereotaxic coordinates. NeuroImage 11.
Journal Article
7 (7), pp. 770 - 777 (2008)
Savings and extinction of conditioned eyeblink responses in fragile X syndrome. Genes, Brain and Behavior