Publications of Anne L. Rutten
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
7, 93 (2019)
Temporary mate removal during incubation leads to variable compensation in a biparental shorebird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
540 (7631), pp. 109 - 113 (2016)
Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds. Nature 3.
Journal Article
26 (1), pp. 30 - 37 (2015)
Biparental incubation-scheduling: No experimental evidence for major energetic constraints. Behavioral Ecology 4.
Journal Article
25 (1), pp. 152 - 164 (2014)
Biparental incubation patterns in a high-Arctic breeding shorebird: How do pairs divide their duties? Behavioral Ecology 5.
Journal Article
21 (6), pp. 1261 - 1270 (2010)
Experimental evidence for interference competition in oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. II. Free-living birds. Behavioral Ecology 6.
Journal Article
270 (1516), pp. 741 - 747 (2003)
Natal dispersal and personalities in great tits (Parus major). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences