Publications of Niels Jeroen Dingemanse
All genres
Journal Article (99)
Journal Article
31 (4), pp. 960 - 970 (2020)
Novel sources of (co)variation in nestling begging behavior and hunger at different biological levels of analysis. Behavioral Ecology 2.
Journal Article
89 (2), pp. 601 - 613 (2020)
Individual variation in age‐dependent reproduction: Fast explorers live fast but senesce young? Journal of Animal Ecology 3.
Journal Article
30 (4), pp. 1123 - 1135 (2019)
Effects of manipulated levels of predation threat on parental provisioning and nestling begging. Behavioral Ecology 4.
Journal Article
32 (4), pp. 1001 - 1010 (2018)
Does perceived predation risk affect patterns of extra-pair paternity? A field experiment in a passerine bird. Functional Ecology 5.
Journal Article
28 (6), pp. 1402 - 1413 (2017)
Provisioning tactics of great tits (Parus major) in response to long-term brood size manipulations differ across years. Behavioral Ecology 6.
Journal Article
284 (1864), 20171567 (2017)
Behavioural mediators of genetic life-history trade-offs: A test of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis in field crickets. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 7.
Journal Article
7, 10235 (2017)
Indirect genetic effects: A key component of the genetic architecture of behaviour. Scientific Reports 8.
Journal Article
5, 92 (2017)
An approach to distinguish between plasticity and non-random distributions of behavioral types along urban gradients in a wild passerine bird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
Journal Article
128, pp. 135 - 141 (2017)
Temperature affects frequency but not rhythmicity of nocturnal awakenings in free-living great tits, Parus major. Animal Behaviour 10.
Journal Article
86 (2), pp. 227 - 238 (2017)
Repeatability, heritability, and age-dependence in the aggressiveness reaction norms of a wild passerine bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 11.
Journal Article
8 (2), pp. 257 - 267 (2017)
Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences (SQuID): An educational and statistical tool for understanding multilevel phenotypic data in linear mixed models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12.
Journal Article
28 (1), pp. 59 - 68 (2017)
Multidimensional environmental predictors of variation in avian forest and city life histories. Behavioral Ecology 13.
Journal Article
70 (10), pp. 2308 - 2321 (2016)
Sources of (co)variation in alternative siring routes available to male great tits (Parus major). Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 14.
Journal Article
164, pp. 400 - 406 (2016)
Do great tits (Parus major) suppress basal metabolic rate in response to increased perceived predation danger? A field experiment. Physiology & Behavior 15.
Journal Article
29 (9), pp. 1780 - 1792 (2016)
The correlation between coloration and exploration behaviour varies across hierarchical levels in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16.
Journal Article
27 (4), pp. 1235 - 1246 (2016)
Interacting with the enemy: Indirect effects of personality on conspecific aggression in crickets. Behavioral Ecology 17.
Journal Article
116, pp. 53 - 59 (2016)
Do social partners affect same-sex sexual behaviour in male water striders? Animal Behaviour 18.
Journal Article
19 (4), pp. 478 - 486 (2016)
Density fluctuations represent a key process maintaining personality variation in a wild passerine bird. Ecology Letters 19.
Journal Article
6 (3), pp. 599 - 607 (2016)
Genetic correlates of individual differences in sleep behavior of free-living Great tits (Parus major). G3 - Genes, Genomes, Genetics 20.
Journal Article
31 (2), pp. 85 - 87 (2016)
Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies: A reply to Whitlock et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution