Doctoral Projects 2020


This was the list of our 2020 PhD projects. All projects are fully funded for at least 3 years. Application deadline was January 15th! 

Demography, Information and the Movement Ecology of Capuchins
Keywords. Collective behaviour, vocal communication, movement coordination, GPS, computational analysis, group coordination

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot, MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz, Prof. Dr. Susan Perry, UCLA, and potentially Dr Brendan Barrett, MPI of Animal Behavior and MPI-EvA.  more
Decision making and collective movement in groups of baboons
Keywords. Collective behaviour, vocal communication, movement coordination, GPS, computational analysis, group coordination, decision-making
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot and Dr. Roi Harel, University of Konstanz more
Ecology of Animal Societies
Keywords. Animal societies, social structure, behavioral variation, modeling, quantitative analysis
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Meg CrofootDr. Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz), Dr. Karline Janmaat (MPI-AB, University of Amsterdam) more
Neurobiology of collective defence in honeybees
Keywords honeybees, defence, neuroethology, collective behaviour, neuromodulation
Supervisor:  Dr. Morgane Nouvian more
Factors shaping individual contributions to collective decision-making
Keywords: Ecology, collective decision-making, collective movement, animal tracking, social behaviour.

Supervisor: Dr. Damien Farine MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz
Computational Approaches to the Experimental Study of Animal Collectives
Keywords self-organization, swarm, school, behavior, information, automated tracking, machine learning, virtual reality, inverse methodologies.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Iain Couzin, MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz more
Collective Computation in Large Animal Groups
Keywords: This project will employ an integrated empirical and theoretical approach to investigate the relationship between individual and collective computation. The challenge for individuals in groups is to be both robust to noise, and yet sensitive to meaningful (often small) changes in the physical or social environment, such as when a predator is present...

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Iain Couzin, MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz more
Collective Animal Behaviour,3 positions available
Keywords self-organization, swarm, schooling, behavior, information, fish, locusts, birds, tracking, computer vision, virtual reality, self-organization, decision-making, individual differences, evolution
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Iain Couzin, MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz more
Using Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) to Determine Causal Relationships in Animal Social Networks

Keywords: the application of Virtual Reality (VR) environments allows us to experimentally dissociate social input and responses, opening powerful avenues of inquiry into the dynamics of social influence and the physiological and neural mechanisms of collective behaviour.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Iain Couzin, MPI of Animal Behavior and University of Konstanz more
‘Frame of Mind’ and division of labor of social insects
Keywords: Social insect colonies, is often highly biased by the internal, physiological state of the individual. How sensory information make individuals differ in the way they respond to external stimuli and they differ in the tasks they perform is processed and evaluated...

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleineidam, Department of Biology
University of Konstanz  more
The role of androgen receptors for singing.
Keywords: Sexual dimorphic behavior like vocalization in songbirds is governed by sexual dimorphic brain structures that exhibit distinct gene expression patterns during development...

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Gahr, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen
The genetic background of female singing
Keywords: Singing is common among female songbirds but the frequency of female singing differs considerably between songbird families...

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Gahr, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen more

Interested in one of these PhD projects? Please apply next term, the current application is closed!

The Max Planck Society and the University of Konstanz are equal opportunity employers and are committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in their workforce and therefore we encourage applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

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