Publications of Kasja Malkoc
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
62 (1), pp. 58 - 70 (2022)
Quantifying glucocorticoid plasticity using reaction norm approaches: There still is so much to discover! Integrative and Comparative Biology 2.
Journal Article
12, 691633 (2021)
Inferring whole-organism metabolic rate from red blood cells in birds. Frontiers in Physiology 3.
Journal Article
59 (1), pp. 53 - 54 (2021)
Individuelle Anpassungen an wechselnde Umweltbedingungen bei Kohlmeisen: Wie stark reagieren Schilddrüsenhormone auf Temperaturveränderungen und Arbeitsleistung? Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 4.
Journal Article
45 (3), pp. 351 - 358 (2017)
A comprehensive statistical classifier of foci in the cell transformation assay for carcinogenicity testing. Toxicology in Vitro