Publications of Glenn Cockburn
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
32 (19), pp. 4270 - 4278.e5 (2022)
A single residue confers selective loss of sugar sensing in wrynecks. Current Biology 2.
Journal Article
39 (2), msab367 (2022)
Synergism, bifunctionality, and the evolution of a gradual sensory trade-off in hummingbird taste receptors. Molecular Biology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
32 (12), pp. 1432 - 1443 (2019)
Male age and its association with reproductive traits in captive and wild house sparrows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 4.
Journal Article
12 (8), e0182853 (2017)
Method matters: Experimental evidence for shorter avian sperm in faecal compared to abdominal massage samples. PLoS One