Publications of Daniel Lewanzik
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
226 (18), jeb245801 (2023)
Calibrated microphone array recordings reveal that a gleaning bat emits low-intensity echolocation calls even in open-space habitat. The Journal of Experimental Biology 2.
Journal Article
224 (1), jeb234815 (2021)
Task-dependent vocal adjustments to optimize biosonar-based information acquisition. The Journal of Experimental Biology 3.
Journal Article
88 (10), pp. 1462 - 1473 (2019)
Insectivorous bats integrate social information about species identity, conspecific activity, and prey abundance to estimate cost‐benefit ratio of interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology 4.
Journal Article
32 (5), pp. 1251 - 1261 (2018)
Continued source level reduction during attack in the low-amplitude bat Barbastella barbastellus prevents moth evasive flight. Functional Ecology 5.
Journal Article
54 (1), pp. 264 - 271 (2017)
Transition from conventional to light-emitting diode street lighting changes activity of urban bats. Journal of Applied Ecology 6.
Journal Article
7 (11), pp. 15593 - 15616 (2015)
Out of the dark: Establishing a large-scale field experiment to assess the effects of artificial light at night on species and food webs. Sustainability 7.
Journal Article
51 (2), pp. 388 - 394 (2014)
Artificial light puts ecosystem services of frugivorous bats at risk. Journal of Applied Ecology 8.
Journal Article
7, pp. 24 - 31 (2014)
Künstliches Licht und Fledermäuse – ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Praxis Naturwissenschaften Biologie in der Schule - Lichtverschmutzung 9.
Journal Article
182 (6), pp. 831 - 840 (2012)
"No cost of echolocation for flying bats" revisited. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 10.
Journal Article
177 (1), pp. 104 - 112 (2012)
Ecological correlates of cortisol levels in two bat species with contrasting feeding habits. General and Comparative Endocrinology 11.
Journal Article
7 (5), pp. 793 - 795 (2011)
Rain increases the energy cost of bat flight. Biology Letters 12.
Journal Article
278 (1716), pp. 2311 - 2317 (2011)
Trapped in the darkness of the night: Thermal and energetic constraints of daylight flight in bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Dark matters: The effects of artificial lighting on bats. In: Bats in the anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world, pp. 187 - 213 (Eds. Voigt, C. C.; Kingston, T.) (2016)
Book Chapter
336, pp. 65 - 68 (Eds. Held, M.; Hölker, F.; Jessel, B.). Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn (2013)
Lichtverschmutzung und die Folgen für Fledermäuse. In: Schutz der Nacht – Lichtverschmutzung, Biodiversität und Nachtlandschaft, Bundesamt für Naturschutz - Skripten, Vol.