Publications of Mariëlle Liduine van Toor
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
28 (5), pp. 576 - 587 (2019)
Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2.
Journal Article
33 (6), pp. 879 - 893 (2018)
Integrating animal movement with habitat suitability for estimating dynamic migratory connectivity. Landscape Ecology 3.
Journal Article
158 (3), pp. 725 - 735 (2017)
Tracking reveals limited interactions between Campbell Albatross and fisheries during the breeding season. Journal of Ornithology 4.
Journal Article
4 (1), 160164 (2017)
Flexibility of habitat use in novel environments: Insights from a translocation experiment with lesser black-backed gulls. Royal Society Open Science 5.
Journal Article
7 (10), e01498 (2016)
Temporal segmentation of animal trajectories informed by habitat use. Ecosphere 6.
Journal Article
8 (8), e72629 (2013)
Flexibility of continental navigation and migration in European mallards. PLoS One 7.
Journal Article
14 (5), pp. 512 - 520 (2011)
Integrating sex-specific habitat use for conservation using habitat suitability models. Animal Conservation