Publications of Hubert Schwabl

Journal Article (113)

Journal Article
Boersma, J.; McQueen, A.; Peters, A.; Welklin, J. F.; Khalil, S.; Quispe Valdez, R.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, H.: Unexpected long-term retention of subcutaneous beeswax implants and additional notes on dose and composition from four testosterone implant studies. General and Comparative Endocrinology 330, 114124 (2023)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Schwabl, H.: The tyranny of phylogeny - A plea for a less dogmatic stance on two-species comparisons. Bioessays 43 (8), 2100071 (2021)
Journal Article
Schwabl, H.; Partecke, J.: Developmental programming of the adrenocortical stress response by yolk testosterone depends on sex and life history stage. The Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (22), jeb220152 (2020)
Journal Article
Khalil, S.; Welklin, J. F.; McGraw, K. J.; Boersma, J.; Schwabl, H.; Webster, M. S.; Karubian, J.: Testosterone regulates CYP2J19-linked carotenoid signal expression in male red-backed fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1935), 20201687 (2020)
Journal Article
Boersma, J.; Enbody, E. D.; Jones, J. A.; Nason, D.; Lopez-Contreras, E.; Karubian, J.; Schwabl, H.: Testosterone induces plumage ornamentation followed by enhanced territoriality in a female songbird. Behavioral Ecology 31 (5), pp. 1233 - 1241 (2020)
Journal Article
Partecke, J.; Hegyi, G.; Fitze, P. S.; Gasparini, J.; Schwabl, H.: Maternal effects and urbanization: Variation of yolk androgens and immunoglobulin in city and forest blackbirds. Ecology and Evolution 10 (4), pp. 2213 - 2224 (2020)
Journal Article
Enbody, E. D.; Boersma, J.; Jones, J. A.; Chatfield, M. W. H.; Ketaloya, S.; Nason, D.; Baldassarre, D. T.; Hazlehurst, J.; Gowen, O.; Schwabl, H. et al.: Social organisation and breeding biology of the White-shouldered Fairywren (Malurus alboscapulatus). Emu 119 (3), pp. 274 - 285 (2019)
Journal Article
Enbody, E. D.; Boersma, J.; Schwabl, H.; Karubian, J.: Female ornamentation is associated with elevated aggression and testosterone in a tropical songbird. Behavioral Ecology 29 (5), pp. 1056 - 1066 (2018)
Journal Article
Lantz, S. M.; Boersma, J.; Schwabl, H.; Karubian, J.: Early-moulting Red-backed Fairywren males acquire ornamented plumage in the absence of elevated androgens. Emu 117 (2), pp. 170 - 180 (2017)
Journal Article
Yohannes, E.; Gwinner, H.; Lee, R. W.; Schwabl, H.: Stable isotopes predict reproductive performance of European starlings breeding in anthropogenic environments. Ecosphere 7 (11), e01566 (2016)
Journal Article
Lessells, C. M.; Ruuskanen, S.; Schwabl, H.: Yolk steroids in great tit Parus major eggs: Variation and covariation between hormones and with environmental and parental factors. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70 (6), pp. 843 - 856 (2016)
Journal Article
Lindsay, W. R.; Barron, D. G.; Webster, M. S.; Schwabl, H.: Testosterone activates sexual dimorphism including male-typical carotenoid but not melanin plumage pigmentation in a female bird. Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (19), pp. 3091 - 3099 (2016)
Journal Article
Schwabl, H.; Dowling, J.; Baldassarre, D. T.; Gahr, M.; Lindsay, W. R.; Webster, M. S.: Variation in song system anatomy and androgen levels does not correspond to song characteristics in a tropical songbird. Animal Behaviour 104, pp. 39 - 50 (2015)
Journal Article
Barron, D. G.; Webster, M. S.; Schwabl, H.: Do androgens link morphology and behaviour to produce phenotype-specific behavioural strategies? Animal Behaviour 100, pp. 116 - 124 (2015)
Journal Article
Schwabl, H.; Lindsay, W. R.; Barron, D. G.; Webster, M. S.: Endocrine correlates of mate choice and promiscuity in females of a socially monogamous avian mating system with alternative male reproductive phenotypes. Current Zoology 60 (6), pp. 804 - 815 (2014)
Journal Article
Schweitzer, C.; Schwabl, H.; Baran, N. M.; Adkins-Regan, E.: Pair disruption in female zebra finches: Consequences for offspring phenotype and sensitivity to a social stressor. Animal Behaviour 90, pp. 195 - 204 (2014)
Journal Article
Postma, E.; Siitari, H.; Schwabl, H.; Richner, H.; Tschirren, B.: The multivariate egg: Quantifying within - and among - clutch correlations between maternally derived yolk immunoglobulins and yolk androgens using multivariate mixed models. Oecologia 174 (3), pp. 631 - 638 (2014)
Journal Article
Barron, D. G.; Webster, M. S.; Schwabl, H.: Body condition influences sexual signal expression independent of circulating androgens in male red-backed fairy-wrens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 183, pp. 38 - 43 (2013)
Journal Article
Egbert, J. R.; Jackson, M. F.; Rodgers, B. D.; Schwabl, H.: Between-female variation in house sparrow yolk testosterone concentration is negatively associated with CYP19A1 (aromatase) mRNA expression in ovarian follicles. General and Comparative Endocrinology 183, pp. 53 - 62 (2013)
Journal Article
Gwinner, H.; Yohannes, E.; Schwabl, H.: Nest composition and yolk hormones: Do female European starlings adjust yolk androgens to nest quality? Avian Biology Research 6 (4), pp. 307 - 312 (2013)