Publications of Hubert Schwabl

Journal Article (113)

Journal Article
Sockman, K. W.; Weiss, J.; Webster, M. S.; Talbott, V.; Schwabl, H.: Sex-specific effects of yolk-androgens on growth of nestling American kestrels. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62 (4), pp. 617 - 625 (2008)
Journal Article
Drew, R. E.; Schwabl, H.; Wheeler, P. A.; Thorgaard, G. H.: Detection of QTL influencing cortisol levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 272 (Suppl. 1), pp. S183 - S194 (2007)
Journal Article
Schwabl, H.; Palacios, M. G.; Martin, T. E.: Selection for rapid embryo development correlates with embryo exposure to maternal androgens among passerine birds. American Naturalist 170 (2), pp. 196 - 206 (2007)
Journal Article
Sockman, K. W.; Sharp, P. J.; Schwabl, H.: Orchestration of avian reproductive effort: An integration of the ultimate and proximate bases for flexibility in clutch size, incubation behaviour, and yolk androgen deposition. Biological Reviews 81 (4), pp. 629 - 666 (2006)
Journal Article
Cariello, M. O.; Macedo, R. H. F.; Schwabl, H.: Maternal androgens in eggs of communally breeding guira cuckoos (Guira guira). Hormones and Behavior 49 (5), pp. 654 - 662 (2006)
Journal Article
Lucas, J. R.; Freeberg, T. M.; Egbert, J.; Schwabl, H.: Fecal corticosterone, body mass, and caching rates of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) from disturbed and undisturbed sites. Hormones and Behavior 49 (5), pp. 634 - 643 (2006)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Geue, D.; Schwabl, I.; Flinks, H.; Schmidl, D.; Schwabl, H.; Gwinner, E.: Testosterone and corticosterone during the breeding cycle of equatorial and European stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris and S. t. rubicola). Hormones and Behavior 50 (5), pp. 779 - 785 (2006)
Journal Article
Badyaev, A. V.; Schwabl, H.; Young, R. L.; Duckworth, R. A.; Navara, K. J.; Parlow, A. F.: Adaptive sex differences in growth of pre-ovulation oocytes in a passerine bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1577), pp. 2165 - 2172 (2005)
Journal Article
Pilz, K. M.; Adkins-Regan, E.; Schwabl, H.: No sex difference in yolk steroid concentrations of avian eggs at laying. Biology Letters 1 (3), pp. 318 - 321 (2005)
Journal Article
Tschirren, B.; Saladin, V.; Fitze, P. S.; Schwabl, H.; Richner, H.: Maternal yolk testosterone does not modulate parasite susceptibility or immune function in great tit nestlings. Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (4), pp. 675 - 682 (2005)
Journal Article
Michl, G.; Torok, J.; Peczely, P.; Garamszegi, L. Z.; Schwabl, H.: Female collared flycatchers adjust yolk testosterone to male age, but not to attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology 16 (2), pp. 383 - 388 (2005)
Journal Article
Schwagmeyer, P. L.; Schwabl, H.; Mock, D. W.: Dynamics of biparental care in house sparrows: Hormonal manipulations of paternal contributions. Animal Behaviour 69, pp. 481 - 488 (2005)
Journal Article
Gwinner, H.; Schwabl, H.: Evidence for sexy sons in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58 (4), pp. 375 - 382 (2005)
Journal Article
Marshall, R. C.; Leisler, B.; Catchpole, C. K.; Schwabl, H.: Male song quality affects circulating but not yolk steroid concentrations in female canaries (Serinus canaria). The Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (24), pp. 4593 - 4598 (2005)
Journal Article
Schwabl, H.; Flinks, H.; Gwinner, E.: Testosterone, reproductive stage, and territorial behavior of male and female European stonechats Saxicola torquata. Hormones and Behavior 47 (5), pp. 503 - 512 (2005)
Journal Article
Macedo, R. H. F.; Cariello, M. O.; Pacheco, A. M.; Schwabl, H.: Significance of social parameters on differential nutrient investment in guira cuckoo, Guira guira, eggs. Animal Behaviour 68, pp. 685 - 694 (2004)
Journal Article
Pilz, K. M.; Quiroga, M.; Schwabl, H.; Adkins-Regan, E.: European starling chicks benefit from high yolk testosterone levels during a drought year. Hormones and Behavior 46 (2), pp. 179 - 192 (2004)
Journal Article
Tschirren, B.; Richner, H.; Schwabl, H.: Ectoparasite-modulated deposition of maternal androgens in great tit eggs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271 (1546), pp. 1371 - 1375 (2004)
Journal Article
Strasser, R.; Schwabl, H.: Yolk testosterone organizes behavior and male plumage coloration in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56 (5), pp. 491 - 497 (2004)
Journal Article
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.; Sharp, P. J.: Removing the confound of time in investigating the regulation of serial behaviours: Testosterone, prolactin and the transition from sexual to parental activity in male American kestrels. Animal Behaviour 67 (6), pp. 1151 - 1161 (2004)
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