Publications of Wolfgang Goymann
All genres
Journal Article (150)
Journal Article
139 (10), pp. 1303 - 1311 (2002)
The stress response of European stonechats depends on the type of stressor. Behaviour 142.
Journal Article
129 (2), pp. 80 - 87 (2002)
Non-invasive methods to measure androgen metabolites in excrements of European stonechats, Saxicola torquata rubicola. General and Comparative Endocrinology 143.
Journal Article
119 (4), pp. 1167 - 1173 (2002)
Corticosterone metabolites can be measured noninvasively in excreta of European stonechats (Saxicola torquata rubicola). The Auk 144.
Journal Article
39 (1), pp. 83 - 92 (2001)
Androgens and the role of female "hyperaggressiveness" in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Hormones and Behavior 145.
Journal Article
268 (1484), pp. 2453 - 2459 (2001)
Social, state-dependent and environmental modulation of faecal corticosteroid levels in free-ranging female spotted hyenas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 146.
Journal Article
65, pp. 138 - 148 (2000)
Sexual segregation, roosting, and social behaviour in a free-ranging colony of Indian false vampires, Megaderma lyra. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 147.
Journal Article
251 (4), pp. 537 - 540 (2000)
Between-litter siblicide in captive Indian false vampire bats, Megaderma lyra. Journal of Zoology 148.
Journal Article
3 (2), pp. 99 - 106 (2000)
Roost mate communication in adult Indian false vampire bats (Megaderma lyra): An indication of individuality in temporal and spectral pattern. Animal Cognition 149.
Journal Article
64, pp. 321 - 331 (1999)
Parturition, parental behaviour, and pup development in Indian false vampire bats, Megaderma lyra. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 150.
Journal Article
114 (3), pp. 340 - 348 (1999)
Noninvasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoids in spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta. General and Comparative Endocrinology Book Chapter (9)
Book Chapter
Eberhard Gwinner. In: Biographical history of behavioral neuroendocrinology, pp. 213 - 228 (Eds. Nelson, R. J.; Weil, Z. M.). Springer, Cham (2022)
Book Chapter
2, 2 Ed., pp. 454 - 461 (Ed. Choe, J. C.). Elsevier, Academic Press, Oxford (2019)
Pair-bonding, mating systems and hormones. In: Encyclopedia of animal behavior, Vol. 153.
Book Chapter
12, 1 Ed., pp. 243 - 265 (Eds. Koreuber, M.; Aßmann, B.). Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden (2018)
Die biologischen Grundlagen von Geschlecht und Geschlechterrollen - und warum die Rollen bei manchen Vögeln "vertauscht" sind. In: Das Geschlecht in der Biologie. Aufforderung zu einem Perspektivwechsel, Vol. 154.
Book Chapter
Pair-bonding, mating systems and hormones. In: Reference module in life sciences, pp. 1 - 7. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2017)
Book Chapter
Helm, B.). Springer, Tokyo (2014)
Seasonality of life histories in tropical birds: Circannual rhythms and Zeitgeber. In: Annual, lunar, and tidal clocks. Patterns and mechanisms of nature's enigmatic rhythms, pp. 247 - 275 (Eds. Numata, H.; 156.
Book Chapter
2, pp. 611 - 617 (Eds. Breed, M. D.; Moore, J.). Academic Press, Oxford (2010)
Pair-bonding, mating systems and hormones. In: Encyclopedia of animal behavior, Vol. 157.
Book Chapter
Mating systems, social behaviour and hormones. In: Animal behaviour: Evolution and mechanisms, pp. 465 - 501 (Ed. Kappeler, P.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2010)
Book Chapter
Verhaltensendokrinologie. In: Methoden der Verhaltensbiologie, pp. 190 - 195 (Ed. Naguib, M.). Springer, Berlin (2006)
Book Chapter
Contexts and ethology of vertebrate aggression: Implications for the evolution of hormone-behavior interactions. In: Biology of aggression, pp. 179 - 210 (Ed. Nelson, R.). Oxford University Press, New York (2005)