Publications of Jürgen Aschoff

Journal Article (125)

Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Masking and parametric effects of high-frequency light-dark cycles. Japanese Journal of Physiology 49 (1), pp. 11 - 18 (1999)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Human perception of short and long time intervals: Its correlation with body temperature and the duration of wake time. Journal of Biological Rhythms 13 (5), pp. 437 - 442 (1998)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Circadian parameters as individual characteristics. Journal of Biological Rhythms 13 (2), pp. 123 - 131 (1998)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Bicentennial anniversary of Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland's "Die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlängern" (The art of prolonging human life). Journal of Biological Rhythms 13 (1), pp. 4 - 8 (1998)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.; Daan, S.: Human time perception in temporal isolation: Effects of illumination intensity. Chronobiology International 14 (6), pp. 585 - 596 (1997)
Journal Article
Daan, S.; Block, G.; Aschoff, J.: Colin Stephenson Pittendrigh 13 October 1918, Whitley Bay, UK, 19 March 1996, Bozeman, MT, USA - In memoriam. Journal of Biological Rhythms 11 (2), pp. 91 - 92 (1996)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Naps as integral parts of the wake time within the human sleep-wake cycle. Journal of Biological Rhythms 9 (2), pp. 145 - 155 (1994)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: The timing of defecation within the sleep-wake cycle of humans during temporal isolation. Journal of Biological Rhythms 9 (1), pp. 43 - 50 (1994)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: On the relationship between motor-activity and the sleep wake cycle in humans during temporal isolation. Journal of Biological Rhythms 8 (1), pp. 33 - 46 (1993)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: On the passage of subjective time in temporal isolation. Psychologica Belgica 33 (2), pp. 147 - 157 (1993)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Estimates on the duration of sleep and wakefulness made in isolation. Chronobiology International 9 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (1992)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: On the dilatability of subjective time. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (2), pp. 276 - 280 (1992)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Hufelands interest in plant movements. Chronobiologia 18 (2-3), pp. 75 - 78 (1991)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Klaus Hoffmann - June 16, 1927 - December 3, 1989 - In memoriam. Journal of Biological Rhythms 6 (1), pp. 1 - 2 (1991)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Sources of thoughts from temperature regulation to rhythm research. Chronobiology International 7 (3), pp. 179 - 186 (1990)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Interdependence between locomotor-activity and duration of wakefulness in humans during isolation. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 46 (8), pp. 870 - 871 (1990)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.; von Saint Paul, U.: Circadian rhythms in the blowfly, phormia-terraenovae: Control of phase within the range of entrainment. Physiological Entomology 15 (2), pp. 129 - 135 (1990)
Journal Article
Roenneberg, T.; Aschoff, J.: Annual rhythm of human-reproduction. 1. Biology, sociology, or both. Journal of Biological Rhythms 5 (3), pp. 195 - 216 (1990)
Journal Article
Roenneberg, T.; Aschoff, J.: Annual rhythm of human-reproduction. 2. Environmental correlations. Journal of Biological Rhythms 5 (3), pp. 217 - 239 (1990)
Journal Article
Aschoff, J.: Temporal orientation: Circadian clocks in animals and humans. Animal Behaviour 37 (6), pp. 881 - 896 (1989)
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