Publications of Marie J.E. Charpentier
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
The sociality of sleep in animal groups. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
11 (7), 240597 (2024)
An early-life challenge: becoming an older sibling in wild mandrills. Royal Society Open Science 3.
Journal Article
65 (2), pp. 75 - 80 (2024)
Stillbirth of a mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in the wild: perinatal behaviors and delivery sequences. Primates 4.
Journal Article
290, 20222349 (2023)
Mother-to-daughter transmission of hygienic anti-parasite behaviour in mandrills. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 5.
Journal Article
26 (10), 107358 (2023)
Socially bonded females face more sexual coercion in a female-philopatric primate. iScience 6.
Journal Article
47, 108939 (2023)
The Mandrillus Face Database: A portrait image database for individual and sex recognition, and age prediction in a non-human primate. Data in Brief