Publications of Kathrine M. Stewart
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Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
84 (4-5), e23318 (2022)
What fecal analyses reveal about Manniophyton fulvum consumption in LuiKotale bonobos (Pan paniscus): A medicinal plant revisited. American Journal of Primatology 2.
Journal Article
265, 109426 (2022)
Northern boreal caribou conservation should focus on anthropogenic disturbance, not disturbance-mediated apparent competition. Biological Conservation 3.
Journal Article
163 (1), pp. 14 - 29 (2017)
Comparative primate obstetrics: Observations of 15 diurnal births in wild gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada ) and their implications for understanding human and nonhuman primate birth evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 4.
Journal Article
143 (8), pp. 983 - 997 (2016)
Negative covariance between parasite load and body condition in a population of feral horses. Parasitology 5.
Journal Article
77 (5), pp. 579 - 594 (2015)
Fitness impacts of tapeworm parasitism on wild gelada monkeys at Guassa, Ethiopia. American Journal of Primatology Report (2)
Population and habitat ecology of boreal caribou and their predators in the Saskatchewan Boreal Shield. (2019), 238 pp.
Population dynamics and critical habitat of woodland caribou in the Saskatchewan Boreal Shield. (2016), 162 pp.