Publications of Emily Shepard

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Lempidakis, E.; Ross, A. N.; Quetting, M.; Krishnan, K.; Garde, B.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E.: Turbulence causes kinematic and behavioural adjustments in a flapping flier. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 21, 20230591 (2024)
Journal Article
Longarini, A.; Duriez, O.; Shepard, E.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Scacco, M.: Effect of harness design for tag attachment on the flight performance of five soaring species. BMC Movement Ecology 11, 39 (2023)
Journal Article
Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; de Grissac, S.; Anderson, D. J.; Cole, N. C.; Fell, A.; Gremillet, D.; Lempidakis, E.; Lerma, M.; McKee, J. L. et al.; Pichegru, L.; Provost, P.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ryan, P. G.; Santos, C. D.; Schoombie, S.; Tatayah, V.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 33 (6), pp. 1179 - 1184 (2023)
Journal Article
Rose, K. A. R.; Wilson, R. P.; Ramenda, C.; Robotka, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E.: Wake respirometry allows breath-by-breath assessment of ventilation and CO2 production in unrestrained animals. iScience 25 (9), 104878 (2022)
Journal Article
Lempidakis, E.; Ross, A. N.; Quetting, M.; Garde, B.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Estimating fine-scale changes in turbulence using the movements of a flapping flier. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (196), 20220577 (2022)
Journal Article
Wilson, R. P.; Börger, L.; Holton, M. D.; Scantlebury, D. M.; Gómez-Laich, A.; Quintana, F.; Rosell, F.; Graf, P. M.; Williams, H.; Gunner, R. et al.; Hopkins, L.; Marks, N.; Geraldi, N. R.; Duarte, C. M.; Scott, R.; Strano, M. S.; Robotka, H.; Eizaguirre, C.; Fahlman, A.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Estimates for energy expenditure in free-living animals using acceleration proxies: A reappraisal. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), pp. 161 - 172 (2020)
Journal Article
Shepard, E.; Cole, E.-L.; Neate, A.; Lempidakis, E.; Ross, A.: Wind prevents cliff-breeding birds from accessing nests through loss of flight control. eLife 8, e43842 (2019)
Journal Article
Williams, H. J.; Duriez, O.; Holton, M. D.; Dell'Omo, G.; Wilson, R. P.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Vultures respond to challenges of near-ground thermal soaring by varying bank angle. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (23), jeb174995 (2018)
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