Publications of Renaud Bastien
All genres
Journal Article (14)
Journal Article
104 (2), pp. 2164 - 2184 (2021)
Refinement of international recommendations for cubicles, based on the identification of associations between cubicle characteristics and dairy cow welfare measures. Journal of Dairy Science 2.
Journal Article
14 (8), pp. 1745 - 1756 (2020)
New recommendations for self-locking barriers to reduce skin injuries in dairy cows. Animal: The International Journal of Animal Bioscience 3.
Journal Article
26 (5), pp. 2073 - 2083 (2020)
Animals in virtual environments. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4.
Journal Article
6 (6), eaay0792 (2020)
A model of collective behavior based purely on vision. Science Advances 5.
Journal Article
14 (5), 055004 (2019)
Towards a framework for collective behavior in growth-driven systems, based on plant-inspired allotropic pairwise interactions. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 6.
Journal Article
70 (14), pp. 3467 - 3494 (2019)
Posture control in land plants: Growth, position sensing, proprioception, balance, and elasticity. Journal of Experimental Botany 7.
Journal Article
16 (154), 20190038 (2019)
Spatio-temporal integration in plant tropisms. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 8.
Journal Article
69 (21), pp. 5157 - 5168 (2018)
Quantitative dissection of variations in root growth rate: A matter of cell proliferation or of cell expansion? Journal of Experimental Botany 9.
Journal Article
9, 947 (2018)
Milk fat globules hamper adhesion of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli to enterocytes: In vitro and in vivo evidence. Frontiers in Microbiology 10.
Journal Article
13 (3), e0194893 (2018)
Coupled ultradian growth and curvature oscillations during gravitropic movement in disturbed wheat coleoptiles. PLoS One 11.
Journal Article
15 (138), 20170595 (2018)
Fluttering of growing leaves as a way to reach flatness: Experimental evidence on Persea americana. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 12.
Journal Article
14 (10), pp. 995 - 1002 (2017)
Virtual reality for freely moving animals. Nature methods 13.
Journal Article
12 (12), e1005238 (2016)
The kinematics of plant nutation reveals a simple relation between curvature and the orientation of differential growth. PLoS Computational Biology 14.
Journal Article
88 (3), pp. 468 - 475 (2016)
KymoRod: A method for automated kinematic analysis of rod-shaped plant organs. The Plant Journal