Publications of Henrik Brumm
All genres
Journal Article (73)
Journal Article
95 (3), pp. 227 - 232 (2024)
Observations on the breeding biology of D’Arnaud’s Barbet Trachyphonus darnaudii. Ostrich 2.
Journal Article
164 (4), pp. 835 - 844 (2023)
Bursts of white noise trigger song in domestic Canaries. Journal of Ornithology 3.
Journal Article
290 (2005), 20230496 (2023)
Territorial behaviour of thrush nightingales outside the breeding season. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 4.
Journal Article
45 (2), 2200173 (2023)
Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles. Denying biological sex is anthropocentric and promotes species chauvinism. Bioessays 5.
Journal Article
289 (1982), 20220906 (2022)
Long-term effects of noise pollution on the avian dawn chorus: A natural experiment facilitated by the closure of an international airport. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 6.
Journal Article
289 (1971), 20220058 (2022)
The broken-wing display across birds and the conditions for its evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 7.
Journal Article
7 (20), eabe2405 (2021)
Traffic noise disrupts vocal development and suppresses immune function. Science Advances 8.
Journal Article
24 (3), pp. 477 - 486 (2021)
A global analysis of song frequency in passerines provides no support for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis but suggests a role for sexual selection. Ecology Letters 9.
Journal Article
75 (1), 3 (2021)
Chronic exposure to urban noise during the vocal learning period does not lead to increased song frequencies in zebra finches. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 10.
Journal Article
16 (8), 20200399 (2020)
Group living facilitates the evolution of duets in barbets. Biology Letters 11.
Journal Article
7 (1), coz056 (2019)
Traffic noise exposure depresses plasma corticosterone and delays offspring growth in breeding zebra finches. Conservation Physiology 12.
Journal Article
73 (2), 19 (2019)
Nocturnal resting behaviour in urban great tits and its relation to anthropogenic disturbance and microclimate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 13.
Journal Article
146, pp. 23 - 30 (2018)
The function of collective signalling in a cuckoo. Animal Behaviour 14.
Journal Article
15, 29 (2018)
Timing matters: Traffic noise accelerates telomere loss rate differently across developmental stages. Frontiers in Zoology 15.
Journal Article
40 (5), 1800030 (2018)
Let’s talk about sex - Not gender. Bioessays 16.
Journal Article
49 (1), jav.01564 (2018)
Vocal plasticity in mallards: Multiple signal changes in noise and the evolution of the Lombard effect in birds. Journal of Avian Biology 17.
Journal Article
8 (11), pp. 1617 - 1625 (2017)
Measurement artefacts lead to false positives in the study of birdsong in noise. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 18.
Journal Article
284 (1860), 20170602 (2017)
Higher songs of city birds may not be an individual response to noise. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 19.
Journal Article
158 (3), pp. 669 - 678 (2017)
On the natural history of duetting in White-browed Coucals: Sex- and body-size-dependent differences in a collective vocal display. Journal of Ornithology 20.
Journal Article
284 (1855), 20170451 (2017)
Vocal plasticity in a reptile. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences