Publications of Kaspar Delhey

Journal Article (69)

Journal Article
Peters, A.; Delhey, K.; Goymann, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Age-dependent association between testosterone and crown UV coloration in male blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59 (5), pp. 666 - 673 (2006)
Journal Article
Iribarne, O.; Bruschetti, M.; Escapa, M.; Bava, J.; Botto, F.; Gutierrez, J.; Palomo, G.; Delhey, K.; Petracci, P.; Gagliardini, A.: Small- and large-scale effect of the SW Atlantic burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus on habitat use by migratory shorebirds. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 315 (1), pp. 87 - 101 (2005)
Journal Article
Johnsen, A.; Delhey, K.; Schlicht, E.; Peters, A.; Kempenaers, B.: Male sexual attractiveness and parental effort in blue tits: A test of the differential allocation hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 70 (4), pp. 877 - 888 (2005)
Journal Article
Peters, A.; Denk, A. G.; Delhey, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Carotenoid-based bill colour as an indicator of immunocompetence and sperm performance in male mallards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (5), pp. 1111 - 1120 (2004)
Journal Article
Peters, A.; Delhey, K.; Denk, A. G.; Kempenaers, B.: Trade-offs between immune investment and sexual signaling in male mallards. American Naturalist 164 (1), pp. 51 - 59 (2004)
Journal Article
Petracci, P. F.; Delhey, K.: Nesting attempts of the Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Ibis 146 (3), pp. 522 - 525 (2004)
Journal Article
Foerster, K.; Delhey, K.; Johnsen, A.; Lifjeld, J. T.; Kempenaers, B.: Females increase offspring heterozygosity and fitness through extra-pair matings. Nature 425 (6959), pp. 714 - 717 (2003)
Journal Article
Delhey, K.; Johnsen, A.; Peters, A.; Andersson, S.; Kempenaers, B.: Paternity analysis reveals opposing selection pressures on crown coloration in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270 (1528), pp. 2057 - 2063 (2003)
Journal Article
Johnsen, A.; Delhey, K.; Andersson, S.; Kempenaers, B.: Plumage colour in nestling blue tits: Sexual dichromatism, condition dependence and genetic effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270 (1521), pp. 1263 - 1270 (2003)

Editorial (1)

Joseph, L.; Burbidge, A. H.; Delhey, K.; Hansen, B. D.; Kleindorfer, S.; Maurer, G.: Emu's first 120 years: Landmark papers of change in austral ornithology. Emu 121 (4), pp. 284 - 291 (2021)
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