Publications of Martin Wikelski
All genres
Book Chapter (15)
Book Chapter
Movement ecology. In: Galapagos Giant Tortoises, pp. 261 - 279 (Eds. Gibbs, J.P.; Cayot, L.J.; Tapia Aguilera, W.). Academic Press (2021)
Book Chapter
46, pp. 11 - 28 (Ed. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften). Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München (2017)
Neue Daten zu den Wanderungen europäischer Tiere. In: Tierwelt im Wandel - Wanderung, Zuwanderung, Rückgang, Vol. 403.
Book Chapter
Track annotation: Determining the environmental context of movement through the air. In: Aeroecology, pp. 71 - 86 (Eds. Chilson, P. B.; Frick, W. F.; Kelly, J. F.; Liechti, F.). Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Schweiz (2017)
Book Chapter
Why do sloths poop on the ground? In: Treetops at risk. Challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation, pp. 195 - 199 (Eds. Lowman, M.; Devy, S.; Ganesh, T.). Springer-Verlag, New York (2013)
Book Chapter
Mechanistic principles of locomotion performance in migrating animals. In: Animal migration: A synthesis, pp. 35 - 51 (Eds. Milner-Gulland, E. J.; Fryxell, J. M.; Sinclair, A. R. E.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
Book Chapter
Energy gain and use during animal migration. In: Animal migration: A synthesis, pp. 52 - 67 (Eds. Milner-Gulland, E. J.; Fryxell, J. M.; Sinclair, A. R. E.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
Book Chapter
Migrations. In: The nature conservancy, pp. 60 - 63 (Ed. Hoekstra, J. M.). University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif. (2010)
Book Chapter
The evolution of foraging behavior in the Galapagos marine iguana: Natural and sexual selection on body size drives ecological, morphological, and behavioral specialization. In: Lizard ecology: The evolutionary consequences of foraging mode, pp. 491 - 507 (Eds. Reilly, S. M.; McBrayer, L. D.; Miles, D. B.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2007)
Book Chapter
Indirekte Tierbeobachtung mit elektronischen Instrumenten. In: Methoden der Verhaltensbiologie, pp. 175 - 179 (Ed. Naguib, M.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2006)
Book Chapter
The influence of life history stages on flight initiation distance in naïve Galápagos marine iguanas. In: Influence of introduced predators and natural stressors on escape behavior and endocrine mechanisms in an island species, the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) (= Dissertation Universität Ulm), pp. 33 - 48 (Ed. Berger, S.) (2006)
Book Chapter
Rapid phenotype transition within a reproductive season in male marine iguanas – a matter of hormones and the environment? In: Influence of introduced predators and natural stressors on escape behavior and endocrine mechanisms in an island species, the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) (= Dissertation Universität Ulm), pp. 73 - 89 (Ed. Berger, S.) (2006)
Book Chapter
Individual migratory tactics of New World Catharus thrushes: Current knowledge and future tracking options from space. In: Birds of two worlds: The ecology and evolution of migration, pp. 274 - 289 (Eds. Greenberg, R.; Marra, P. P.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (2005)
Book Chapter
Determinants of lek mating success in male Galapagos marine iguanas. Behavior, body size, condition, ornamantation, ectoparasite load, and femal choice. In: Iguanas: Biology and conservation, pp. 127 - 147 (Eds. Alberts, A. C.; Carter, R. L.; Hayes, W. K.; Martins, E. P.). University of California Press, Berkeley (2004)
Book Chapter
Environmental scaling of body size in island populations of Galapagos marine iguanas. In: Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, pp. 148 - 157 (Eds. Alberts, A. C.; Carter, R. L.; Hayes, W. K.; Martins, E. P.). University of California, California (2004)
Book Chapter
Life cycles, behavioral traits and endocrine mechanisms. In: Avian endocrinology, pp. 3 - 17 (Eds. Dawson, A.; Chaturvedi, C. M.). Narosa Publ. House, New Delhi (2001)
Other (1)
Patent: Method for forecasting e.g. major volcanic event, involves generating test profile representing physiological status of animal, calculating ratio between test profile and reference profile, and setting alert if ratio reaches threshold value. Patent-Nr.: WO2013167661-A2; WO2013167661-A3; EP2847622-A2; US2015153477-A1, Max Planck Ges zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften, (2013)