Publications of Roi Harel

Journal Article (23)

Journal Article
Spiegel, O.; Harel, R.; Centeno-Cuadros, A.; Hatzofe, O.; Getz, W. M.; Nathan, R.: Moving beyond curve fitting: Using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. American Naturalist 185 (2), pp. E44 - E54 (2015)
Journal Article
Resheff, Y. S.; Rotics, S.; Harel, R.; Spiegel, O.; Nathan, R.: AcceleRater: a web application for supervised learning of behavioral modes from acceleration measurements. BMC Movement Ecology 1, 27 (2014)
Journal Article
Nathan, R.; Spiegel, O.; Fortmann-Roe, S.; Harel, R.; Wikelski, M.; Getz, W. M.: Using tri-axial acceleration data to identify behavioral modes of free-ranging animals: General concepts and tools illustrated for griffon vultures. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (6), pp. 986 - 996 (2012)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Duriez, O.; Harel, R.; Hatzofe, O.: Studying movement of avian scavengers to understand carrion ecology. In: Carrion Ecology and Management, pp. 255 - 274 (Eds. Olea, P. P.; Mateo-Tomás, P.; Sánchez-Zapata, J. A.). Springer, Cham (2019)
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