Publications of Damien R. Farine
All genres
Journal Article (155)
Journal Article
15 (2), e70943 (2025)
Breeding-related changes in social interactions among female vulturine guineafowl. Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
292 (2041), 20242760 (2025)
Moving as a group imposes constraints on the energetic efficiency of movement. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 3.
Journal Article
Cooperative and plural breeding by the precocial vulturine guineafowl. Ibis (2025)
Journal Article
379 (1912), 20220534 (2024)
Expanding theory, methodology and empirical systems at the spatial–social interface. Philosophical Transactions B 5.
Journal Article
93 (6), pp. 650 - 653 (2024)
Experimental manipulation of food availability and macroparasite prevalence reveal differential effects on space use in wild rodents. Journal of Animal Ecology 6.
Journal Article
291 (2034), 20241961 (2024)
Stress in the social environment: behavioural and social consequences of stress transmission in bird flocks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 7.
Journal Article
291, 20232427 (2024)
Social restructuring during harsh environmental conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences (London) 8.
Journal Article
27 (2), e14366 (2024)
Natal legacies cause social and spatial marginalization during dispersal. Ecology Letters 9.
Journal Article
379 (1912), 20220524 (2024)
The contribution of movement to social network structure and spreading dynamics under simple and complex transmission. Philosophical Transactions B 10.
Journal Article
93 (3), pp. 250 - 253 (2024)
Modelling animal social networks: New solutions and future directions. Journal of Animal Ecology 11.
Journal Article
34 (21), pp. R1061 - R1063 (2024)
Nature's social network. Current Biology 12.
Journal Article
Low-cost animal tracking using Bluetooth low energy beacons on a crowd-sourced network. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
207, pp. 119 - 129 (2024)
Diel patterns of movement reveal temporal strategies during dispersal. Animal Behaviour 14.
Journal Article
379 (1905), 20230184 (2024)
The relative contribution of acoustic signals versus movement cues in group coordination and collective decision-making. Philosophical Transactions B 15.
Journal Article
379 (1909), 20230177 (2024)
Collective intelligence facilitates emergent resource partitioning through frequency-dependent learning. Philosophical Transactions B 16.
Journal Article
Testing the information centre hypothesis in a multilevel society. Journal of Animal Ecology (2024)
Journal Article
7 (1), 95 (2024)
Compromise or choose: shared movement decisions in wild vulturine guineafowl. Communications Biology 18.
Journal Article
210, pp. 11 - 22 (2024)
Males with high levels of oxidative damage form weak pair bonds in a gregarious bird species. Animal Behaviour 19.
Journal Article
21, pp. 174 - 178 (2023)
The presence of air sac nematodes in passerines and near-passerines in southern Germany. International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife 20.
Journal Article
92 (12), pp. 2348 - 2362 (2023)
Variation in local population size predicts social network structure in wild songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology