IMPRS Events 2015

IMPRS Events 2015

Speaker: Dr. Kamran Safi, Dr. Bart Kranstauber, Mariëlle avn Toor, Prof. Dr. Martin Wikelski Room: M639 Host: Dr. Kamran Safi Location: University of Konstanz

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language
This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can wrok with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. This is not a statistics course, it is intended to give a general all purpose introduction in R, from where further exploration can be achieved without the usually steep initial learning curve. [more]
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