Past events 2013

Room: MPIO Radolfzell Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology

Conference Presentation Techniques    

This is an activity-based workshop led by theatre professionals whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. Repetition is a key aspect of the training so that participants can strengthen the narrative, the emotional tone, and the physicality of the talk in order to def ine and support the speaker’s own dynamic style. Description The seminar provides participants the opportunity to perfect their public-speaking skills. Constructive feedback from the trainer and group members as well as videotaping give the speaker a healthy amount of input while perfecting public-speaking skills. Participants will be required to prepare a 3 to 5 minute pitch or overview of their work incorporating also the use of a slide. This will provide a basis for applying the practical aims of the workshop. Throughout the three day workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve nonverbal communication, improve the ability to listen and react generously, and to integrate focusing techniques which empower the speaker. There will be two videotaping sessions (on the second and third days) in this advanced workshop, as well as further in depth role play regarding the topic of dealing with challenging Q&A sessions. Contents in brief - Concisely introducing yourself: practice your “pitch” - Engaging the audience in one’s talk - Aff irming the strengths and individual style of the speaker - Improving body language - Effectively promoting oneself - Develop strong tactics for effective communication - Receiving video-feedback Methods - voice and body techniques - partner work/role-play - language practice and analysis - improvisation, videotaping and feedback [more]

Experimental Design

Day 1: Indroduction Introduction o experimental design theory (difference between experiment and observation, confounding, importance of randomisation, types of experimental designs, implications for data analysis, power; practical: randomization with the software R, simple power calculations); Day 2: Applications - Each participant is asked to send a description of one planned experiment (or one running experiment if none is planned) to until 30. September 2013 (e.g., drawing of the spatial layout and text description, what measurements are taken and when?). Course participants will present the design of their own experiments. Each experimental design will be discussed in class and will also receive some feedback by the course teacher. Prerequisite for participation: basic knowledge of statistics and the software package R would be an advantage but is not absolutely required. [more]

Generalized Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models with R (Module 3)

Day 1: Binomial model (refreshing LM and LMM, introduction Bayesian data analysis, logistic regression, binomial model, tests, model assumptions, overdispersion, predictions); Day 2: Poisson model (tests, model assumptions, overdispersion, predictions, depending on participants wishes: zero-inflation, mixture models); Day 3: GLMM (including random effects, glmer-function and MCMCglmm-function, depending on participants wishes: introduction to WinBUGS and further mixture models); Day 4: work on own data and presentations [more]
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