Past events 2012

Room: MPIO Seewiesen Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology

Guided Analyses of Own Data

day1: workshop (short presentation of the project proposal by each participant, 3-4 lectures: topics depend on the participants’ projects; e.g. repetition mixed model or other aspects of linear models, extensions of linear models, spatial models, time series, zero-inflation models, multivariate methods, analyzing time to event data, compositional analyses, two-level ecological models, work individually or in groups on own projects); day 2 workshop (work individually or in groups on own projects, discussion of problems in plenum or in groups); day 3 workshop and presentations (work individually or in groups, presentation of projects and discussion) Requirements Modul 1, basic knowledge in statistics, linear regression, ANOVA, one of module 2 or 3 is recommended; A short proposal of the workshop project has to be sent to Fränzi Korner-Nivergelt three days before the start of the workshop [more]

Writing of Research Statements and Grant Proposals

Successful writing of research statements and grant proposals for the next career steps after the PhD [more]

Coping with the Challenges of a PhD

This course provides in-depth guidelines on how to cope with the most common challenges involved in researching and writing a PhD. This training course equips you with the tools and techniques you need to complete your PhD successfully and on schedule. You learn how to work more efficiently, how to save time, and how to identify and focus on the essentials. You learn how to employ management tools to monitor your progress, as well as gaining a greater understanding of how to optimize supervision and how to get the support you need. You learn how to plan the thesis-writing process and how to incorporate writing tasks into your normal working day. You gain an increased awareness of the career choices open to you, and of what might be the best career options for you personally. This training course will help increase your satisfaction with life as a PhD student, and to become a fully professional academic. [more]

Introduction of basic statistics with R (Module 1)

day 1: introduction to R (work with console and editor, read in data, save data, basics in programming R, graphics, classical tests); day 2: basics in statistics (refreshing descriptive statistics (mean, sd, se, median, quartiles), introduction to different schools of statistics (frequentist, information theory, Bayes statistics), theory of statistical tests (example t-test and randomization test), classical tests (U-test, chi-test, binomial test, correlation, etc.); day 3: experimental design (basic theory in experimental design, presentation of an experimental design by each participant (own or prepared examples), discussion of experimental design, use R to plan experiments, power calculations) [more]

Scientific Integrity

This seminar is designed to assist PhD students in gaining a better awareness of the importance of ethics in science; to provide them with a set of criteria for assessing ethical dilemmas; to facilitate a room for free discussion on real and fictitious cases of scientific misconduct (mainly, fabrication and falsification of data), and to offer an overview of current MPS guidelines on scientific integrity. [more]

Intensive German Class

German class for our new foreign IMPRS students [more]
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