Past events 2012

Vortragender: Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Oikostat Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology

Guided Analyses of Own Data

day1: workshop (short presentation of the project proposal by each participant, 3-4 lectures: topics depend on the participants’ projects; e.g. repetition mixed model or other aspects of linear models, extensions of linear models, spatial models, time series, zero-inflation models, multivariate methods, analyzing time to event data, compositional analyses, two-level ecological models, work individually or in groups on own projects); day 2 workshop (work individually or in groups on own projects, discussion of problems in plenum or in groups); day 3 workshop and presentations (work individually or in groups, presentation of projects and discussion) Requirements Modul 1, basic knowledge in statistics, linear regression, ANOVA, one of module 2 or 3 is recommended; A short proposal of the workshop project has to be sent to Fränzi Korner-Nivergelt three days before the start of the workshop [mehr]
day 1: LM (linear regression, multiple regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, least-square method, parametrisation, interactions, tests (marginal and sequential), model selection, model assumptions, predictions); day 2: LME (linear mixed models, maximum likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood, random and fixed effects, likelihood ratio test / bootstrap, random slopes-random intercept models, depending on participants further model types); day 3 LME (Bayesian way of fitting a linear model, model matrix, simulating posterior distributions of model parameters, predictions, posterior probabilities of hypotheses, preparing data for work on own data); day 4: projects (work on own data and presentations) Requirements Modul 1, basic knowledge in statistics [mehr]
day 1: binominal model (repetition LM, logistic regression, binomial model, tests, model assumtions, overdispersion, predictions); day 2: poisson model (poisson model, tests, model assumptions, overdispersion, predictions, depending on participants: zero-inflation, mixture models); day 3 GLMM (including random effects, Bayesian way of fitting a model, glmer-function and MCMCglmm-finction, depending on participants: introduction to WinBUGS and further mixture models); day 4: projects (work on own data and presentations) Requirements Modul 1 and 2, basic knowledge in statistics, linear models (ANOVA) and linear mixed models [mehr]
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