Speaker: Prof. Dr. Steffen Giessner

Diversity, Discrimination and Respect at Work

Talk Steffen Giessner
This talk will give a short overview of the latest insights into the promises and pitfalls of a diverse workforce on employee outcomes like respectful interactions at work, cooperation, creativity and conflict at work. First, I will define what diversity actually means and what types of diversity exists. Next, I will present two perspectives on diversity at work: the information/decision perspective and the categorization perspective. While the former argues that diversity offers lots of promises, the later one elaborates on the risks. Consequently, the talk will address these risks in more detail – mainly explaining how human information processing is based on stereotyping and under which conditions this can result in disrespectful treatment of other employees. The presentation will raise awareness of specific problems at work (e.g., unfair treatment of women at work) and offer ideas for potential solutions. [more]
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