Speaker: Dr. Valeska Russo

Mastering your PhD

Mastering your PhD
The workshop aims to support PhD students during their first big research project. Generally a PhD student is well adapted to conduct his/her research but encounters difficulties with i.e. time management, lack of coordination/cooperation with others, insecurities if and how to ask for support and is maybe also not prepared to fulfil the different roles which are expected by him/her. This workshop will strengthen the management and communication skills of the participants and help them to deal with unexpected and frustrating situations. Participants will learn management and communication skills by: - defining goals and objectives in a smart way - planning their workload with efficiency and effectiveness - being clear about their different roles during a PhD project - improving their collaboration ability - learning techniques for a successful delegation. First day: Planning a project: Setting goals + Time management Introduction to project management, Defining aims and objective according to SMART principle, Planning and Structuring the workload of a project, Using time management to be more efficient, Defining different roles Second day: Delegation and communication Dealing with the supervisor, Successful delegation, How to prevent and avoid risks, How to deal with stress and frustration, Communication exercises Dr. Valeska Russo holds a PhD in inorganic Chemistry. After 10 years as project manager and trainer at Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks, she started to teach project management and science related soft skills for PhD students, Postdocs and young group leaders in 2009. She focuses on management, communication and presentation and also teaches methods of awareness and stress reduction to reach a good work-life balance. [more]

Mastering your PhD

Mastering your PhD
The workshop aims to support PhD students during their first big research project. Generally a PhD student is well adapted to conduct his/her research but encounters difficulties with i.e. time management, lack of coordination/cooperation with others, insecurities if and how to ask for support and is maybe also not prepared to fulfil the different roles which are expected by him/her. This workshop will strengthen the management and communication skills of the participants and help them to deal with unexpected and frustrating situations. Participants will learn management and communication skills by: - defining goals and objectives in a smart way - planning their workload with efficiency and effectiveness - being clear about their different roles during a PhD project - improving their collaboration ability - learning techniques for a successful delegation. First day: Planning a project: Setting goals + Time management Introduction to project management, Defining aims and objective according to SMART principle, Planning and Structuring the workload of a project, Using time management to be more efficient, Defining different roles Second day: Delegation and communication Dealing with the supervisor, Successful delegation, How to prevent and avoid risks, How to deal with stress and frustration, Communication exercises Dr. Valeska Russo holds a PhD in inorganic Chemistry. After 10 years as project manager and trainer at Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks, she started to teach project management and science related soft skills for PhD students, Postdocs and young group leaders in 2009. She focuses on management, communication and presentation and also teaches methods of awareness and stress reduction to reach a good work-life balance. [more]
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