Room: R512

Causes and consequences of sociality in a neotropical bat

PhD defense by Yann Gager
PhD with Dina Dechmann, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Testing the relative roles of competition and plant-soil feedback in explaining commonness and rarity in alien and native plant species

PhD defense by Gregor Müller
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Understanding predator foraging behaviour

PhD defense by Stephen Lang
PhD with Damien Farine, Department of Collective Behaviour, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Career day for Biologists

Career day for Biologists
Visit the Career Day for Biologists to learn more about jobs outside academia! Do you know Samuel Wasser? He was a biologists and helped to catch one of the most active ivory smuggler in West Africa- with DNA tests of elephant dung. Well, not every job at university sounds so exciting, and not everybody wants to stay in academia. But which options exist for biologists besides working in academia? Many biologists are as versatile as a chameleon in their professional life and work in jobs you would never expect them. [more]
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