Location: University of Konstanz

Partial migration in European blackbirds : a study on alternative phenotypes

PhD defense by Adam Fudickar
PhD with Jesko Partecke, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Characterization of cryptic components of the ancestral vertebrate genome

PhD defense by Nathalie Feiner
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Effects of artificial light at night on daily and seasonal organization of European blackbirds (Turdus merula)

PhD defense by Davide Dominoni
PhD with Jesko Partecke, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Ecology and Neurophysiology of Sleep in Wild Sloths

PhD defense by Bryson Voirin
PhD with Niels Rattenborg, Research Group Avian Sleep, and Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology [more]

At-sea movement and migration of the nocturnal swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus)

PhD defense by Sebastian Cruz
PhD with Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Color- and Trophic Polymorphisms in Cichlid Fishes

PhD defense by Henrik Kusche
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Wing moult and movement behaviour of anatids, with focus on the European Gadwall (Anas strepera)

PhD defense by Andrea Gehrold
PhD with Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]
PhD with Jesko Partecke, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Partial Altitudinal Migration of a Himalayan Forest Pheasant: First Insights and Conservation Implications

PhD defense by Nawang Norbu
PhD with Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Learn and Let Learn : Comparative Cognition and Social Learning in Bats

PhD defense by Theresa Clarin
PhD with Lutz Wiegrebe, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich + Holger Goerlitz, Acoustic and Functional Ecology lab, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Cues of mosquito host finding and oviposition site selection

PhD defense by Ali Afify
PhD with Giovanni Galizia, Neurobiology, University of Konstanz [more]

Complexity of the olfactory system across and within Hymenoptera : The leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri as a case study

PhD defense by Sarah Koch
PhD with Christoph Kleineidam, Neuroethology lab, University of Konstanz [more]
PhD with Daniel Dietrich, Ecotoxicology, University of Konstanz [more]

Analysing animal movement in the environment

PhD defense by Bart Kranstauber
PhD with Kamran Safi, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Circadian biology of songbirds : endogenous and environmental components

PhD defense by Marina Lehmann
PhD with Barbara Helm, University of Glasgow + Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology / University of Konstanz [more]

Lakes as food sources for bats: evidence from stable isotopes and acoustic monitoring

PhD defense by Ioanna Salvarina
PhD with Karl-Otto Rothhaupt, Limnology, University of Konstanz [more]

The Contributions of Seasonality, Song and Hormonal Regulation to the Evolution of Songbirds

PhD defense by Kim Mortega
PhD with Barbara Helm, University of Glasgow + Michaela Hau, Research Group Evolutionary physiology, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

R for Biologists II: Visualisation and analysis of spatial information

R for Biologists II: Visualisation and analysis of spatial information
This course is intended for the attendants of R for Biologists I or scholar familiar with R programming who want to go in depth in particular areas. The course will have a changing topic from a series of recurrent fields such as GIS in R, analysis and visualization of animal movement, comparative phylogenetic methods etc. The submission of a course reader is prerequisite for a successful attendance. Requirements: R programming skills. Information and registration with kamran.safi@uni-konstanz.de. Further information see https://lsf.uni-konstanz.de/qisserver/servlet/de.his.servlet.RequestDispatcherServlet?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=47473&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung. [more]

Niche partitioning in similar, closely related sympatric bat species? A morphological and mechanical approach

PhD defense by Daniela Schmieder
PhD with Tigga Kingston, Texas Tech University + Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Bats and ambient noise : From chatty neighbours to disturbing humans

PhD defense by Jinhong Luo
PhD with Lutz Wiegrebe, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich + Holger Goerlitz, Acoustic and Functional Ecology lab, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language
This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can wrok with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. This is not a statistics course, it is intended to give a general all purpose introduction in R, from where further exploration can be achieved without the usually steep initial learning curve. [more]

Reproductive characteristics as drivers of alien plant naturalization and invasion

PhD defense by Mialy Razanajatovo
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Introduction to GAM and GAMM with R

Introduction to GAM and GAMM with R
Commencing with a basic introduction to generalised additive models (GAM) to analyse continuous data, count data and binary/proportional data. In the second part of the course generalised additive mixed effects models (GAMM) are introduced to analyse nested data. During the course several case studies are presented, in which the statistical theory is integrated with applied analyses in a clear and understandable manner. [more]

Neuronal correlates of temperature guided behavior in ants

PhD defense by Manuel Nagel
PhD with Christoph Kleineidam, Neuroethology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Genome-wide Patterns of Adaptation and Speciation and Demographic Histories of Young Radiations of Cichlids

PhD defense by Andreas Kautt
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Modelling phytoplankton, passengers and drivers of lake ecosystems

PhD defense by Marieke Frassl
PhD with Karl-Otto Rothhaupt, Limnology , University of Konstanz [more]

Causes and consequences of sociality in a neotropical bat

PhD defense by Yann Gager
PhD with Dina Dechmann, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Communicative complexity and development in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) in the wild

PhD defense by Marlen Fröhlich
PhD with Simone Pika, Humboldt Research Group „Evolution of communication“, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Quantifying the ecological impact of the straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) in West Africa

PhD defense by Michael Abedi-Lartey
PhD with Dina Dechmann, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Neuronal stimulus representations in Drosophila learning paradigms

PhD defense by Kristina Dylla
PhD with Paul Szyszka, Neurobiology, University of Konstanz [more]

The influence of host social system on hostparasite evolutionary dynamics

PhD defense by Jaap van Schaik
PhD with Gerald Kerth, University of Greifswald + Bart Kempenaers, Department of Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]
Our annual Grand Challenges Symposia focus each year on a specific area of interest in the wide range of topics from animal behavior, ecology, and evolution to physiology and neuro­biology, suggested by the PhD candidates of our IMPRS. The symposia consist of a series of talks by guest speakers, faculty and students of our program and represent the inaugural event for the latest student cohort. [more]

Academic Ceremony and official welcoming of thenew PhD students

Academic Ceremony
Official welcoming of thenew PhD students in the context of the Academic Ceremony. Following the ceremony, Olga Mayans will give her inaugural lecture on “Proteins in action: the molecular consequences of force in an active muscle“. Theevent takes place in room R 712 at U KN. [more]
PhD with Andries ter Maat, Department of Behavioural Neurobiology, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

On the ecology and evolution of partial migration: a field study on migrants and residents European blackbirds

PhD defense by Daniel Zúñiga Sepúlveda
PhD with Jesko Partecke, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

A hitchhikerꞌs guide to waterbird migration

PhD defense by Mariëlle van Toor
PhD with Kamran Safi, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Testing the relative roles of competition and plant-soil feedback in explaining commonness and rarity in alien and native plant species

PhD defense by Gregor Müller
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Studying individual vocal communication in group-living songbirds

PhD defense by Lisa Gill
PhD with Wolfgang Goymann, Department of Behavioural Neurobiology, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Molecular bases of morphological diversity in cichlid fishes

PhD defense by Ralf Schneider
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Writing lab for Doctoral Candidates

Being a scientist means one must have many skills and talents, writing papers is one of the most important ones. It’s the currency into which we turn our research and also the most important means for the community to judge us by. The weekly Writing Lab offers interested IMPRS doctoral candidates the opportunity to write on their manuscript / grant etc., discuss any problems and doubts with their peer or simply feel motivated by the writing atmosphere! Every Wednesday afternoon, 1-6 pm, in Z816! [more]

Coping with change and changing to cope: Estimating the effects of anthropogenic land use change from animal movement

PhD defense by Anne Scharf
PhD with Kamran Safi, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

The first steps of plant mating system evolution

PhD defense by Samuel Carleial Fernandes
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Shifts in invasion potential of alien ornamental plants under climate change

PhD defense by Emily Haeuser
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Using high resolution multi-photon imaging to study olfactory coding in insects

PhD defense by Georg Raiser
PhD with Giovanni Galizia, Neurobiology, University of Konstanz [more]

Effect of noise on vocal behaviour, physiological systems and reproductive success on birds

PhD defense by Adriana M. Dorado-Correa
PhD with Henrik Brumm, Research Group Communication and Social Behaviour, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Exploring the origin and maintenance of biodiversity: insights from the bilaterally asymmetrical cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis

PhD defense by Francesca Raffini
PhD with Axel Meyer, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Causes and consequences of seasonal changes in the braincase and brain size of the common shrew Sorex araneus

PhD defense by Javier Lázaro Tapia
PhD with Dina Dechmann, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

The anatomy and the effect of serotonin and its corresponding receptors on olfactory learning and memory in Drosophila larva

PhD defense by Annina Huser
PhD with Andreas Thum, Neurobiology, University of Konstanz + Genetics, University of Leipzig [more]

Age-associated variation in reproduction and consequences of mating strategies in male house sparrows, Passer domesticus

PhD defense by Antje Girndt

Biogeography and conservation of the neglected biodiversity

PhD defense by Alaaeldin Soultan
PhD with Kamran Safi, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

The evolution of social dominance in house sparrows

PhD defense by Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar

Chemical cues and how ants use them to recognize colony members

PhD defense by Stefanie Neupert
PhD with Christoph Kleineidam, Neuroethology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Good Scientific Practice

Good Scientific Practice
As a researcher, one has the privilege to work freely and creatively, pursuing own interests and adding to the knowledge base of the scientific community - and the community in general. This freedom comes with responsibility: The responsibility for self-control, accuracy, honesty, efficiency and objectivity. The scientific community has introduced rules of research integrity, which aim to prevent scientific misconduct. This 1-day training session informs about rules of good scientific practices and how to avoid research misconduct. [more]

Ontogeny of Cognition and Communication in Corvids

PhD defense by Miriam Sima
PhD with Simone Pika, Humboldt Research Group „Evolution of communication“, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Immunology going wild: genetic variation and immunocompetence in the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

PhD defense by Elinor Jax
PhD with Robert Kraus, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Understanding predator foraging behaviour

PhD defense by Stephen Lang
PhD with Damien Farine, Department of Collective Behaviour, MPI for Ornithology Radolfzell [more]

Career day for Biologists

Career day for Biologists
Visit the Career Day for Biologists to learn more about jobs outside academia! Do you know Samuel Wasser? He was a biologists and helped to catch one of the most active ivory smuggler in West Africa- with DNA tests of elephant dung. Well, not every job at university sounds so exciting, and not everybody wants to stay in academia. But which options exist for biologists besides working in academia? Many biologists are as versatile as a chameleon in their professional life and work in jobs you would never expect them. [more]

Space, Connectivity and One Health

Space, Connectivity and One Health
  • Date: May 20, 2019
  • Time: 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus
  • Bert Niehaus is Professor at the University of Koblenz Landau and holds a PhD in Mathematics and Informatics. His strong interest lies in the application of the Open Community Approach (OCA) to One Health. He is a member of the 'Expert Focus Group on Space & Global Health' and co-founder of the ReGLaN - Research Group Learning and Neuroscience.
  • Location: University of Konstanz
  • Room: P602
  • Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
  • Contact: mhieber@orn.mpg.de
Migratory birds move over long distances. If equipped with tracking devices birds create digital tracks in space. Tracking data in general create a measure of connectivity between patches and habitats. As birds are vectors for diseases their tracking data can be used to establish risk management strategies. This One Health scenario is used as starting point to link animal health, environmental health and human health. Further examples are presented to show the generic principles of the One Health approach. Space technology is considered in different examples to contribute to One Health risk management strategies. Risk mitigations strategies are dependent on the connectivity measure and the spatial representation risks. Finally the conclusions are made, how IT innovation and exponential technologies have an impact on the evolution of risk management One Health by application of the Open Community Approach (OCA). [more]

Odor Source Separation and Olfactory Learning in Drosophila

PhD defense by Yunusa Garba Mohammed
PhD with Paul Szyszka + Giovanni Galizia, Neuroethology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Odour-background segregation and source localisation using fast olfactory processing

PhD defense by Aarti Sehdev
PhD with Paul Szyszka + Giovanni Galizia, Neuroethology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Animal Ethics

Animal Ethics
Ethical awareness is at the heart of any programme of work that involves using animals in research. While we tend to design a project and then consider ethics, placing research ethics and animal welfare foremost in the development process does more than help to gain approval for the work; a clearly defined harm-benefit analysis can shape the development of any project involving living animals, underpinning all aspects of the work, and outlining the research benefits in the first stages of the project. [more]

Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis: phylogeny, enemy release and multi-trophic interactions.

PhD defense by Eva Maria Malecore
PhD with Mark van Kleunen, Ecology lab, University of Konstanz [more]

Adult neuroplasticity under the influence of vocal motor skill practice and sex hormones: new findings and new tools

PhD defense by Mariana Diales da Rocha
PhD with Manfred Gahr, Department of Behavioural Neurobiology, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

From emitters to receivers: call-based communication in groups of zebra finches.

PhD defense by Mauricio Nicolas Adreani
Department Gahr MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen [more]

Evolution of sex-roles in black councils Centropus grill and white-browed councils C. Superciliosus

Defense of Ignas Safari Mng'anya
Doctoral thesis done under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Goymann, Seewiesen [more]

Coexistence of alien and native plants

Doctoral defense of Zhijie Zhang
Doctorate with Mark van Kleunen, University of Konstanz [more]

Genetic Basis of Color Pattern Evolution in East African Cichlids

Doctoral defense of Sabine Urban
Doctorate with Axel Meyer, University of Konstanz [more]

Dynamics of toxic cyanobacteria in lakes and artificial water reservoirs

Doctoral defense by Barbara Weisbrod
Doctorate with Prof. Dr. Daniel Dietrich, University of Konstanz [more]
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