Host: University of Konstanz

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language

This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can wrok with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. This is not a statistics course, it is intended to give a general all purpose introduction in R, from where further exploration can be achieved without the usually steep initial learning curve. [more]

R for Biologists II: Visualisation and analysis of spatial information

In this course we will investigate the possibilities of using spatial information to produce maps, enrich data and in general visualise spatial data. Biological questions, particularly ecological questions are increasingly aware of space in geographic terms. But how can we deal with spatial information to associate locations with environmental conditions derived from satellite images or weather stations? A particular aspect will be macroecological analysis and movement ecological questions, two aspects of ecological research that deeply rely on association of biological and geographic data. Information und registration: [more]

R for Biologists I: Introduction course in R programming language

This course will allow for one week of intense introduction in R a powerful opensource programming environment widely used in scientific research. We will begin with understanding how we can wrok with R to make our lifes as biologists from a wider range of subdisciplines easier. Consequently, we will want to undestand how data can be mined, rearranged and basic visualisations made. This is not a statistics course, it is intended to give a general all purpose introduction in R, from where further exploration can be achieved without the usually steep initial learning curve. Information and registration with [more]
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