Development of neurons relevant for feedback-dependent plasticity during bird song learning
Abstract Juvenile male zebra finches learn their song from adult tutors. In this PhD project we are interested to identify developmental processes in the song control circuits related to the maturation of auditory feedback-dependent plasticity during song learning. The development of early pre-motor activity and subsequent sensori-motor transition of auditory memory will be described by whole genome transcriptome analyses. The role of sex hormones for sex specific maturation of pre-motor activity and the effect of distorted auditory feedback on song learning will be investigated. We are looking for a candidate with strong background in cellular neurobiology and command basic programming skills. The thesis involves methodological training in techniques of vocal behavior analysis, animal surgery and genome transcription.
Keywords songbird, song control nuclei, song learning, transcriptome, sex hormones, auditory feedback
Main advisor Manfred Gahr, MPIO Seewiesen