Publications of Myles H. M. Menz

Journal Article (50)

Journal Article
Menz, M. H. M.; Brown, B. V.; Wotton, K. R.: Quantification of migrant hoverfly movements (Diptera: Syrphidae) on the West Coast of North America. Royal Society Open Science 6 (4), 190153 (2019)
Journal Article
Hueppop, O.; Ciach, M.; Diehl, R.; Reynolds, D. R.; Stepanian, P. M.; Menz, M. H. M.: Perspectives and challenges for the use of radar in biological conservation. Ecography 42 (5), pp. 912 - 930 (2019)
Journal Article
Mirkovic, D.; Stepanian, P. M.; Wainwright, C. E.; Reynolds, D. R.; Menz, M. H. M.: Characterizing animal anatomy and internal composition for electromagnetic modelling in radar entomology. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5 (2), pp. 169 - 179 (2019)
Journal Article
Nilsson, C.; Dokter, A. M.; Verlinden, L.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Schmid, B.; Desmet, P.; Bauer, S.; Chapman, J.; Alves, J. A.; Stepanian, P. M. et al.; Sapir, N.; Wainwright, C.; Boos, M.; Gorska, A.; Menz, M. H. M.; Rodrigues, P.; Leijnse, H.; Zehtindjiev, P.; Brabant, R.; Haase, G.; Weisshaupt, N.; Ciach, M.; Liechti, F.: Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network. Ecography 42 (5), pp. 876 - 886 (2019)
Journal Article
Dällenbach, L. J.; Glauser, A.; Lim, K. S.; Chapman, J. W.; Menz, M. H. M.: Higher flight activity in the offspring of migrants compared to residents in a migratory insect. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1881), 20172829 (2018)
Journal Article
Luder, K.; Knop, E.; Menz, M. H. M.: Contrasting responses in community structure and phenology of migratory and non-migratory pollinators to urbanization. Diversity and Distributions 24 (7), pp. 919 - 927 (2018)
Journal Article
Knop, E.; Gerpe, C.; Ryser, R.; Hofmann, F.; Menz, M. H. M.; Trosch, S.; Ursenbacher, S.; Zoller, L.; Fontaine, C.: Rush hours in flower visitors over a day-night cycle. Insect Conservation and Diversity 11 (3), pp. 267 - 275 (2018)
Journal Article
Bauer, S.; Chapman, J. W.; Reynolds, D. R.; Alves, J. A.; Dokter, A. M.; Menz, M. H. M.; Sapir, N.; Ciach, M.; Pettersson, L. B.; Kelly, J. F. et al.; Leijnse, H.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.: From agricultural benefits to aviation safety: Realizing the potential of continent-wide radar networks. Bioscience 67 (10), pp. 912 - 918 (2017)
Journal Article
Odermatt, J.; Frommen, J. G.; Menz, M. H. M.: Consistent behavioural differences between migratory and resident hoverflies. Animal Behaviour 127, pp. 187 - 195 (2017)
Journal Article
Meyer, S.; Unternahrer, D.; Arlettaz, R.; Humbert, J. Y.; Menz, M. H. M.: Promoting diverse communities of wild bees and hoverflies requires a landscape approach to managing meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 239, pp. 376 - 384 (2017)
Journal Article
Miller, B. P.; Sinclair, E. A.; Menz, M. H. M.; Elliott, C. P.; Bunn, E.; Commander, L. E.; Dalziell, E.; David, E.; Davis, B.; Erickson, T. E. et al.; Golos, P. J.; Krauss, S. L.; Lewandrowski, W.; Mayence, C. E.; Merino-Martin, L.; Merritt, D. J.; Nevill, P. G.; Phillips, R. D.; Ritchie, A. L.; Ruoss, S.; Stevens, J. C.: A framework for the practical science necessary to restore sustainable, resilient, and biodiverse ecosystems. Restoration Ecology 25 (4), pp. 605 - 617 (2017)
Journal Article
Weinstein, A. M.; Davis, B. J.; Menz, M. H. M.; Dixon, K. W.; Phillips, R. D.: Behaviour of sexually deceived ichneumonid wasps and its implications for pollination in Cryptostylis (Orchidaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119 (2), pp. 283 - 298 (2016)
Journal Article
David, E.; Dixon, K. W.; Menz, M. H. M.: Cooperative extension: A model of science-practice integration for ecosystem restoration. Trends in Plant Science 21 (5), pp. 410 - 417 (2016)
Journal Article
Tomlinson, S.; Menz, M. H. M.: Does metabolic rate and evaporative water loss reflect differences in migratory strategy in sexually dimorphic hoverflies? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 190, pp. 61 - 67 (2015)
Journal Article
Phillips, R. D.; Peakall, R.; Retter, B. A.; Montgomery, K.; Menz, M. H. M.; Davis, B. J.; Hayes, C.; Brown, G. R.; Swarts, N. D.; Dixon, K. W.: Pollinator rarity as a threat to a plant with a specialized pollination system. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (3), pp. 511 - 525 (2015)
Journal Article
Menz, M. H. M.; Brown, G. R.; Dixon, K. W.; Phillips, R. D.: Absence of nectar resource partitioning in a community of parasitoid wasps. Journal of Insect Conservation 19 (4), pp. 703 - 711 (2015)
Journal Article
Menz, M. H. M.; Phillips, R. D.; Anthony, J. M.; Bohman, B.; Dixon, K. W.; Peakall, R.: Ecological and genetic evidence for cryptic ecotypes in a rare sexually deceptive orchid, Drakaea elastica. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (1), pp. 124 - 140 (2015)
Journal Article
Bohman, B.; Phillips, R. D.; Menz, M. H. M.; Berntsson, B. W.; Flematti, G. R.; Barrow, R. A.; Dixon, K. W.; Peakall, R.: Discovery of pyrazines as pollinator sex pheromones and orchid semiochemicals: implications for the evolution of sexual deception. New Phytologist 203 (3), pp. 939 - 952 (2014)
Journal Article
Phillips, R. D.; Steinmeyer, F.; Menz, M. H. M.; Erickson, T. E.; Dixon, K. W.: Changes in the composition and behaviour of a pollinator guild with plant population size and the consequences for plant fecundity. Functional Ecology 28 (4), pp. 846 - 856 (2014)
Journal Article
Thoma, M.; Menz, M. H. M.: The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana wintering in West Africa, and its status as a passage migrant in Mauritania. Malimbus 36, pp. 13 - 31 (2014)
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