Publications of Gernot Segelbacher

Journal Article (33)

Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Kabisch, D.; Stauss, M.; Tomiuk, J.: Extra-pair young despite strong pair bonds in the European Nuthatch (Sitta europaea). Journal of Ornithology 146 (2), pp. 99 - 102 (2005)
Journal Article
Stauss, M.; Segelbacher, G.; Tomiuk, J.; Bachmann, L.: Sex ratio of Parus major and P-caeruleus broods depends on parental condition and habitat quality. Oikos 109 (2), pp. 367 - 373 (2005)
Journal Article
Storch, I.; Segelbacher, G.: Two grouse clutches in the same nest: Evidence for nest site adoption in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Journal of Ornithology 146 (1), pp. 85 - 88 (2005)
Journal Article
Driesel, S.; Bachmann, L.; Stauss, M.; Segelbacher, G.; Flach, D.; Tomiuk, J.; Kömpf, J.: High genetic variability of esterase loci in natural populations of Parus major, P-caeruleus, and P-ater. Biochemical Genetics 42 (3-4), pp. 109 - 119 (2004)
Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Querner, U.; Fiedler, W.; Schmidt, A.; Berthold, P.: Capercaillie research in the Black Forest - combining radio tracking and genetic data. Grouse News 27, p. 12 (2004)
Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Storch, I.: Testing existing markers for studying genetic variability in Caucasian black grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) - A pilot study. Grouse News 28, pp. 12 - 13 (2004)
Journal Article
Hille, S. M.; Nesje, M.; Segelbacher, G.: Genetic structure of kestrel populations and colonization of the Cape Verde archipelago. Molecular Ecology 12 (8), pp. 2145 - 2151 (2003)
Journal Article
Larsson, J. K.; Sun, Y. H.; Fang, Y.; Segelbacher, G.; Hoglund, J.: Microsatellite variation in a Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi population: Signs of genetic impoverishment? Wildlife Biology 9 (4), pp. 261 - 266 (2003)
Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Hoglund, J.; Storch, I.: From connectivity to isolation: Genetic consequences of population fragmentation in capercaillie across Europe. Molecular Ecology 12 (7), pp. 1773 - 1780 (2003)
Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Storch, I.; Tomiuk, J.: Genetic evidence of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus dispersal sources and sinks in the Alps. Wildlife Biology 9 (4), pp. 267 - 273 (2003)
Journal Article
Stauss, M.; Tomiuk, J.; Segelbacher, G.; Driesel, S.; Fietz, J.; Bachmann, L.; Kompf, J.: Sex-specific recombination rates in Parus major and P-caeruleus, an exception to Huxley's rule. Hereditas 139 (3), pp. 199 - 205 (2003)
Journal Article
Berthold, P.; Lieser, M.; Schroth, K.-E.; Segelbacher, G.; Querner, U.: Capercaillie research programme at the Vogelwarte Radolfzell - a brief report on projects now underway. Grouse News 23, pp. 16 - 21 (2002)
Journal Article
Segelbacher, G.; Storch, I.: Capercaillie in the Alps: Genetic evidence of metapopulation structure and population decline. Molecular Ecology 11 (9), pp. 1669 - 1677 (2002)
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