Publications of Eberhard Gwinner

Book Chapter (35)

Book Chapter
Berthold, P.; Gwinner, E.: Preface. In: Avian migration, pp. VII - VIII (Eds. Berthold, P.; Gwinner, E.; Sonnenschein, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2003)
Book Chapter
Goldman, B.; Gwinner, E.; Karsch, F. J.; Saunders, D.; Zucker, I.; Ball, G.: Circannual rhythms and photoperiodism. In: Chronobiology, biological time keeping (Eds. Dunlap, J. C.; Loros, J. J.; DeCoursey, P. J.). Sinauer, Sunderland. (2003)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.; Helm, B.: Circannual and circadian contributions to the timing of avian migration. In: Avian migration, pp. 81 - 95 (Eds. Berthold, P.; Gwinner, E.; Sonnenschein, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2003)
Book Chapter
Wink, M.; Sauer-Gürth, H.; Witt, H. H.; Gwinner, E.: A molecular phylogeny of stonechats and related turdids. In: Stonechats, pp. 22 - 30 (Ed. Urquhart, E.). Christopher Helm, London (2002)
Book Chapter
Fusani, L.; Gwinner, E.: Reduced amplitude of melatonin secretion during migration in the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla). In: Perspective in comparative endocrinology: Unity and diversity, pp. 295 - 300 (Eds. Goos, H. J. T.; Rastogi, R. K.; Vaudry, H.; Pierantoni, R.). Monduzzi editore, Bologna (2001)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Diversity and complexity of avian circadian systems. In: Zeitgebers, entrainment and masking of the circadian system, pp. 201 - 213 (Eds. Honma, K.; Honma, S.). Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (2001)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Bird Migration: Its control by endogenous clocks. In: Frontiers of life. The living world, Vol. 4, pp. 193 - 206 (Ed. Baltimore, D.). Academic Press, New York (2001)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Konrad Lorenz und die Physiologie. In: Zum Sehen geboren. Das Jahrhundertwerk des Konrad Lorenz, pp. 183 - 188 (Ed. Festetics, A.). Orac, Wien, München, Zürich (2000)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.; Ball, G.; Goldman, B.; Karsch, F.; Saunders, D.; Zucker, I.: Circannual rhythms and photoperiodism. In: The biological clock (Eds. Dunlap, J.; Loros, J.). American Physiological Society (2000)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.; Hau, M.: Pineal gland, circadian rhythms and photoperiodism. In: Sturkie’s avian physiology, pp. 557 - 658 (Eds. Whittow, G. C.; Sturkie, P. D.). Academic Press, San Diego (2000)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Il controllo della migrazione degli uccelli da parte degli orologi endogeni. In: Frontiere della vita, Vol. 4, pp. 181 - 194. Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma (1999)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.; Hau, M.; Heigl, S.: Phasic and tonic effects of melatonin on avian circadian systems. In: Circadian clocks and evolution, pp. 127 - 137 (Eds. Hiroshige, T.; Homna, K.). Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (1994)
Book Chapter
Ebihara, S.; Gwinner, E.: Circadian organization in birds: Different pacemakers for feeding and locomotor activity rhythms? In: Frontiers of photobiology, pp. 263 - 265 (Eds. Shima, A.; Ichihashi, M.; fujiwara, Y.; Takebe, H.). Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1993)
Book Chapter
Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Endocrine correlates of seasonal reproduction and territorial behavior in some tropical passerines. In: Endocrinology of birds: Molecular to behavioral, pp. 225 - 233 (Eds. Wada, M.; Ishii, S.; Scanes, C. G.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Circannual rhythms in bird migration: Control of temporal patterns and interactions with photoperiod. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 257 - 268 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Endogenous-exogenous interactions in circannual rhythms. In: Progress in comparative endocrinology, Vol. 32, pp. 632 - 638 (Eds. Epple, A.; Scanes, C. G.; Stetson, M. H.). Wiley-Liss. Inc., New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Introduction. In: Bird migration. Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 1 - 4 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Melatonin in the circadian system of birds: Model of internal resonance. In: Circadian clocks and ecology, pp. 127 - 153 (Eds. Hiroshige, T.; Honma, K.). Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (1989)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Photoperiodic synchronization of circannual rhythms in gonadal activity, migratory restlessness, body weight, and moult in the Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin). In: Comparative physiology of environmental adaptations, Vol. 3, pp. 30 - 44 (Ed. Pévet, P.). Karger Verlag, Basel (1987)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Vogelwarte Radolfzell. In: Avifauna Baden-Württembergs, pp. 1587 - 1588 (Ed. Hölzinger, J.). Ulmer, Stuttgart (1987)
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