Publications of Michael L. Smith

Journal Article (39)

Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Koenig, P. A.; Peters, J. M.: The cues of colony size: How honey bees sense that their colony is large enough to begin to invest in reproduction. The Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (9), pp. 1597 - 1605 (2017)
Journal Article
Loftus, J. C.; Smith, M. L.; Seeley, T. D.: How honey bee colonies survive in the wild: Testing the importance of small nests and frequent swarming. PLoS One 11 (3), e0150362 (2016)
Journal Article
Ostwald, M. M.; Smith, M. L.; Seeley, T. D.: The behavioral regulation of thirst, water collection and water storage in honey bee colonies. The Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (14), pp. 2156 - 2165 (2016)
Journal Article
Peck, D. T.; Smith, M. L.; Seeley, T. D.: Varroa destructor mites can nimbly climb from flowers onto foraging honey bees. PLoS One 11 (12), e0167798 (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: When is your honey bee colony read for "the puberty talk"? Bee Culture 2016 (Aug.), pp. 31 - 32 (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: How do wild honey bee colonies survive Varroa mite infestations? American Bee Journal 201, pp. 769 - 770 (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Loope, K. J.: Caught in an evolutionary trap: Worker honey bees that have drifted into foreign colonies do not invest in ovary activation. Insectes Sociaux 63 (1), pp. 61 - 65 (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Ostwald, M. M.; Seeley, T. D.: Honey bee sociometry: Tracking honey bee colonies and their nest contents from colony founding until death. Insectes Sociaux 63 (4), pp. 553 - 563 (2016)
Journal Article
Seeley, T. D.; Smith, M. L.: Crowding honeybee colonies in apiaries can increase their vulnerability to the deadly ectoparasite Varroa destructor. Apidologie 46, 716 (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: Tanging does not cause flying swarms to settle. Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (5), pp. 190 - 193 (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Ostwald, M. M.; Seeley, T. D.: Adaptive tuning of an extended phenotype: Honeybees seasonally shift their honey storage to optimize male production. Animal Behaviour 103, pp. 29 - 33 (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: Honey bee sting pain index by body location. PeerJ 2, e338 (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: News Flash!: Tanging does not work. American Bee Journal 2014, pp. 409 - 410 (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Ostwald, M. M.; Loftus, J. C.; Seeley, T. D.: A critical number of workers in a honeybee colony triggers investment in reproduction. Die Naturwissenschaften 101 (10), pp. 783 - 790 (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.; Mattila, H. R.; Kern Reeve, H.: Partial ovary development is widespread in honey bees and comparable to other eusocial bees and wasps. Communicative & integrative biology 6 (5), e25004 (2013)
Journal Article
Griffin, S. R.; Smith, M. L.; Seeley, T. D.: Do honeybees use the directional information in round dances to find nearby food sources? Animal Behaviour 83 (6), pp. 1319 - 1324 (2012)
Journal Article
Mattila, H. R.; Kern Reeve, H.; Smith, M. L.: Promiscuous honey bee queens increase colony productivity by suppressing worker selfishness. Current Biology 22 (21), pp. 2027 - 2031 (2012)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: The honey bee parasite Nosema ceranae: Transmissible via food exchange? PLoS One 7 (8), e43319 (2012)
Journal Article
Smith, M. L.: College Beekeeper is both a blueprint and a support system. Bee Culture 140, p. 6 (2012)
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