Publications of Wolfgang Goymann
All genres
Journal Article (150)
Journal Article
8, 131 (2020)
Streetlights disrupt night-time sleep in urban black swans. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 22.
Journal Article
51 (8), e02440 (2020)
Development of intraspecific size variation in black coucals, white‐browed coucals and ruffs from hatching to fledging. Journal of Avian Biology 23.
Journal Article
126 (4), pp. 436 - 444 (2020)
Males paving the road to polyandry? Parental compensation in a monogamous nesting cuckoo and a classical polyandrous relative. Ethology 24.
Journal Article
126 (3), p. 289 - 289 (2020)
The bigger picture. Ethology 25.
Journal Article
126 (6), pp. 593 - 594 (2020)
What the Corona (SARS-CoV 2) pandemic, climate change, and the biodiversity crisis teach us about human nature. Ethology 26.
Journal Article
126 (7), pp. 679 - 680 (2020)
How to ask red knots about their motivation to move from here to there. Ethology 27.
Journal Article
126 (10), pp. 947 - 948 (2020)
Using illusions to interview animals about how they perceive the world. Ethology 28.
Journal Article
126 (1), pp. 1 - 9 (2020)
The second warning to humanity – Why ethology matters? Ethology 29.
Journal Article
285, 113296 (2020)
Melatonin and corticosterone profiles under polar day in a seabird with sexually opposite activity-rhythms. General and Comparative Endocrinology 30.
Journal Article
8 (1), coz110 (2020)
Baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels across birds and reptiles do not reflect urbanization levels. Conservation Physiology 31.
Journal Article
223 (15), jeb219865 (2020)
Does selection for behavioral and physiological performance traits alter glucocorticoid responsiveness in bank voles? The Journal of Experimental Biology 32.
Journal Article
9, e60626 (2020)
The energy savings-oxidative cost tradeoff for migratory birds during endurance flight. eLife 33.
Journal Article
123, 104537 (2020)
Who rises to the challenge? Testing the Challenge Hypothesis in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Hormones and Behavior 34.
Journal Article
123, 104802 (2020)
Reprint of "Concepts derived from the Challenge Hypothesis". Hormones and Behavior 35.
Journal Article
125 (6), pp. 341 - 342 (2019)
A new editor‐in‐chief for Ethology. Ethology 36.
Journal Article
125 (8), pp. 501 - 502 (2019)
On the importance of studying animal behaviour — Or any other kind of “blue sky” research. Ethology 37.
Journal Article
125 (11), pp. 759 - 760 (2019)
Jargonitis and acronymitis hamper broader communication (or J&A impede SciCom). Ethology 38.
Journal Article
69 (6), pp. 432 - 442 (2019)
Challenge hypothesis 2.0: A fresh look at an established idea. Bioscience 39.
Journal Article
50 (1), e01859 (2019)
Female variation in allocation of steroid hormones, antioxidants and fatty acids: A multilevel analysis in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Avian Biology 40.
Journal Article
160 (2), pp. 399 - 407 (2019)
Exogenous testosterone does not modulate aggression in sex-role-reversed female Barred Buttonquails, Turnix suscitator. Journal of Ornithology